Bermudian Chefs Launch Weekly “Cultural Bites”

March 3, 2020

A pair of Bermudian chefs, fresh off their collaboration with international culinary star Eric Adjepong, are launching a weekly culinary experience to carry forward January’s sell-out Restaurant Weeks dinner.

After teaming up with Chef Adjepong of Bravo TV’s Top Chef fame to host Bermuda’s Culture & Heritage Dinner at Fourways Restaurant, Jaelen Steede and Raeven White of Hamilton’s BermyEats Café are serving up a new food-and-wine experience to delight the taste buds of local and visiting foodies.

BermyEats Café Chefs Jaelen Steede and Raeven White

Chefs Jaelen Steede & Raeven White Bermuda March 2020

Kicking off this Friday, March 6 at the Chancery Lane venue, “Cultural Bites” is an infusion of popular courses from January’s history-inspired dinner, served canape-style with freshly-harvested foods and locally-sourced ingredients.

“We want to create a food happy hour focusing on the best dishes from our cultural collaboration with Chef Eric,” explained Mr Steede.

“What January’s dinner showed us is that people look for new and unique food experiences that tell Bermuda’s stories. As BermyEats Café is a place that connects people to Bermudian-inspired dishes, we will transform our space into an energetic atmosphere all about our food culture.”

During its ninth winter-season edition of Restaurant Weeks, Bermuda Tourism Authority [BTA] worked with restaurant partners, farmers and local entrepreneurs to re-imagine and deliver new food experiences in unique locations throughout the island.

“Our collaboration with Chef Eric and local tastemakers created an unforgettable food experience, but the true win for us as experience developers is transforming the magic of that evening into a legacy that benefits Bermudian entrepreneurs,” said BTA Chief Experience Development Officer Glenn Jones.

Cultural Bites takes place at BermyEats, Chancery Lane, Hamilton every Friday, 5:30–8:30 pm in March, and includes a live local DJ and wine to complete the new food happy-hour event.

Tickets are $35 per person and available here.


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  1. ROGER LAMBERT says:

    GOOD venturing out Chefs. Friday evening fun & eats starting 5:30, YES :) !