Multiple Arrests Made After Fight At John Smith’s

June 14, 2020

Multiple arrests have been made following a large fight at John Smith’s Bay last night which resulted in at least two people sustaining stab wounds.

A police spokesperson said, “Shortly before 8:00pm on Saturday 13th June, police received reports that between seventy-five and one hundred people were gathered at John Smith’s Bay, Smith’s parish, not following the Covid-19 social distancing guidelines.

“Not long after, multiple calls were made to police with callers reporting several individuals at John Smith’s Bay were fighting, using helmets, chains and knives.

“Upon police arrival, those gathered had already begun to disperse. However, a 17-year-old male was arrested for driving whilst impaired.

“A 16-year-old male was arrested for possession of a controlled drug with intent to supply. Another 16-year-old male was arrested for affray.

“A 19-year-old male and a 20-year-old male both sustained non-life threatening stab wounds for which they were attended to at hospital and discharged.

“As previously stated, there between 75 and 100 people at John Smith’s during the fracas and the BPS is aware there are several video recordings of the incident circulating on social media.

“We urge anyone with information on this matter, to please contact 211, the main police number, 295-0011, or, the independent and confidential Crime Stoppers number, 800-8477.

“The public are reminded that under phase three of the Reopening of Bermuda Plan, gatherings are limited to 20 persons, with physical distancing in place.

“The public are also advised that there will be a heightened police presence across the island over the next few days to further ensure the safety and wellbeing of residents.

“We ask that you continue to partner with us in our ongoing efforts to make Bermuda safer.”

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  1. Me says:

    We all saw the videos of them trashing each other with bike helmets , sad really no fixing stupid no masks either

  2. So we have a a march of 7000 people that say Black lives matter, and the a week later we have a march for Social Injustice with several hundred’s of people, Please someone help me understand how does “BLACK LIVE’S MATTER”, for real, When the Greatest issues among us is not the “WHITE RACE”, It’s The Black on Black Crimes

    • no says:

      That’s where they get us. The majority of Bermuda is black. Who you expect us to be fighting? Black lives matter regardless of who’s killing or hurting who. People are products of their environment.

  3. Ann says:

    A friend and I walked past John Smith bay at 7:15 and called the hotline (211) to report that there were at least 70-80 people congregated on the beach and not social distancing. The dispatcher assured me he would see if he can “try” dispatch a police vehicle. After 20 minutes, still nothing so I walk over to the regiment vehicle posted on the western end of the beach (With four regiment officer just sitting there) and asked whether they were planning on doing anything to disperse the group as it was growing in size. The sole female regiment officer in the group simply looked me right in the face and said “why, are they bothering you?” To which I explained that I am simply trying to do my civic duty as instructed by our Premier and that this group was growing and That no good would come out of this. As you can appreciate, this was a very upsetting experience that, had it been address at 7:15/30 when first reported could have possibly been prevented. Shame on that young female officer for her rudeness but thank you to the other young male officer who intervene to apologize on her behalf. But I’m the end, mayhem ensued because of the inaction of many.

    • T says:

      Ann,Thank you for stepping in, if the hotline and Army did there part and followed up on concerned citizens that spoke up, this could have been prevented. The fact that the army saw the group getting bigger in the first place is concerning, and you said something and still they wasn’t dispersed. The same thing happened on Clearwater May 24th. My friend went up to the army and asked to disperse a crowd and they refused, and guess what, same thing. This is why people don’t speak up. Come on army people you are getting paid by the people of Bermuda and disrespected the citizens. That girl officer should be looked into also.

  4. Lock them up says:

    75 to 100? We need the Regiment and Police to photograph their car and bike license numbers and find them / take them off the road! What a bunch of morons!

  5. Triangle Drifter says:

    Did anyone see anything happen?

  6. bdaguy says:

    Should lock them all up for about 3 months to teach them a lesson

  7. Micro says:

    And the Regiment just strolling around like nothing is happening.

    • Premier will speak says:

      Can’t wait for the Premier to speak at next conference. It will go something like this:

      “I am supporting the group of young people who decide to assemble for a march in the beach. Regiment presence was available to monitor things and this was just some pent up anger amongst friends. Nothing to report. Wear your mask and practice social ignorance as usual”.

    • Reality says:

      What were 4 Regiment soldiers going to do against 75-100 brawling youths who have zero respect for the law in the first place?

  8. Bermudian says:

    Very very sad! All these protests about violence against blacks and this happens.

  9. Rada Gast says:

    This is why a curfew was needed. And this is why the curfew will remain in place, and probably extended.

  10. comfortably numb says:

    How many parents are in denial over their children, referring to them as ‘princes’ and ‘princesses’? Don’t blame the schools for this behavior: manners and good behavior are (or should be) taught at home long before children hit the teens.

    • Bermudian says:

      Agree. There’s always an excuse for bad behavior. Call it like it is…an unruly generation with no respect. How do you expect to teach a generation about obeying the law when media portrays all those in authority as the bad guys?

      • Bermujan says:

        It has nothing to do with respect for authority. It has everything to do with a complete lack of a moral compass. We’ve bred a generation of individuals suffering from a severe form of anti-social personality disorder. They respect no one.

  11. Oh,I see now says:

    Truth be told these lil Ba$&^rds will eventually have babies themselves.Cue horses running in a circle.

    • Bermujan says:

      Agreed. It’s only going to get worse. There is a complete social breakdown which has been going on for years now. It now has a firm grip on the island.

  12. condora says:

    Our youth showed us on the weekend how to get to the top you must fight to get there.
    They will become doctors,lawyers,nurses policeman and even own their own business.

    I will be there when they graduate.

    Bermuda will show the world what bright stars we have.

    • Stars? says:

      More like shooting stars that burnout before they achieve anything! Dream on!

  13. Bermujan says:

    Welcome to the next generation of Bermudians…