Social Insurance Contribution Suspension

July 1, 2020

“The employee option of choosing a social insurance contribution suspension will be made effective July 1, 2020, and terminates on June 30, 2021,” the Government said today.

A Government spokesperson said, “Per the recent Contributory Pensions Temporary Amendment Act 2020, the Department of Social Insurance wishes to advise the public that the employee option of choosing a social insurance contribution suspension will be made effective July 1, 2020, and terminates on June 30, 2021.

“Guidelines, FAQs and forms for both employees and employers are located at For any questions please contact the Department at or call our hotline for any suspension related queries at 444-2470.”

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  1. Onion Peels says:

    Typical government incompetence. Go to and try to find the forms ….
    Good luck with that. I’ll wait ….

    What do they list as the most likely things you are looking for:
    – Apply for a wreck investigation licence
    – Import produce
    – Export wood products
    – Apply to do marine scientific research in Bermuda

    Are these really the most searched for forms? Who designs this cr@p?