Employment Initiative Offers 12 Full Time Jobs

August 4, 2020

Through a collaboration with Pro-Tone Cleaning Services and Bermuda Cleaning, 12 Bermudians will have the opportunity to secure full-time employment over the next six months, the Ministry announced today.

A Government spokesperson said, “The Ministry of Labour is pleased to announce that through a collaboration with Pro-Tone Cleaning Services Ltd [PT], and Bermuda Cleaning Limited [BC], twelve Bermudians will have the opportunity to secure full-time employment over the next six months.

“This initiative will provide quantified time-structured employment opportunities for Bermudian trainees. Both PT and BC have committed to hiring one new Bermudian employee per company, per calendar month for the period July 2020 to December 2020, totalling 12 new hires.

“In support of this initiative, the Ministry of Labour will provide a list of candidates from the Department of Workforce Development. It must be stated that the new Bermudian hires are not limited to this list. Individuals are encouraged to submit applications directly to either Pro-Tone Cleaning Services Ltd. or Bermuda Cleaning Limited for consideration.

“When applying, all candidates must submit the following documents:

  • Resume
  • Work references;
  • Character references; and a
  • Police Record Certificate.

The Minister of Labour Jason Hayward said, “The public will recall that before the COVID-19 pandemic, many Bermudians were gainfully employed. However, in the wake of the pandemic, we find many of our countrymen and women unemployed, underemployed, and facing financial hardships.”

“The objective of this collaboration is to assist Bermudians in overcoming the present financial challenges by providing a stop-gap work opportunity. This will allow individuals to generate income until they can secure employment in their chosen field or buy time for those who are considering the current market conditions and contemplating a career change.

“By securing employment, Bermudians will be better positioned to overcome the challenges faced by many and I encourage anyone interested in this opportunity to apply”

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  1. Won’t pay my bills says:

    Jobs like this won’t allow me to pay my bills! We need more people to come into Bermuda to invest and create jobs that pay more!!!! Cmon PLP I voted for you but you are letting me down!!

  2. Braves says:

    12 jobs for 6 months. Way to go PLP, Bermudians first! You’re the greatest! Who needs tourists and guest workers when we have you?

    • Onyx says:

      No mention of fixed employment periods that I can see. “Full-Time Employment” should mean just that.

      They way I read it these companies are taking on x number of new full-time Bermudian staff spread over x number of months. Don’t see anything wrong with that.

  3. Joe Bloggs says:

    This initiative will also mean that some nasty ex pat workers who would have committed to cleaning businesses and homes on a long-term basis for those employers will be denied work permits and sent packing. Nice initiative Minister Hayward.

  4. Poor says:

    Smoke & Mirrors by these firms

  5. Platinum says:

    LOL!!! Meanwhile, other cleaning companies hire Bermudians regularly. Looks like they have a deal in place to secure their work permits.

  6. trufth says:

    So this is only “stop gap” employment as described by Hayward? I get it but the problem, especially in residential cleaning, is that people don’t want to have to change cleaners all the time. It takes a while to trust someone in your home and to have them constantly changing, no thank you. I won’t use either of these companies if this is what I will have to do.

    I have had the same cleaner for several years. I suspect her work permit will be denied next time around so that job will go away. I will not replace her with someone that is going to only be with me a short while.

    • Joe Bloggs says:

      Exactly. Bermudians used be cleaners. In hotels and in large houses. No one looked down on them. But at some point we (Bermudian society) decided that being a cleaner was too menial and not for us. Now there are very few Bermudian cleaners and, as you say, you must trust whoever you let into your house and building trust takes time. By the time that trust is built the Bermudian cleaner will have found a “better” job.