Premier & Minister Condemn Gun Violence

May 8, 2024 | 6 Comments

Premier David Burt and Minister of National Security Michael Weeks both condemned the recent shootings, and said the “Government is resolute in our determination to confront and overcome the pervasiveness of gun violence.”

“Gun violence leaves more than just the physical wounds. It leaves families, neighbourhoods and communities traumatised and fearful. I pray for all of those impacted by the recent shootings and want to reassure them and all of Bermuda that the Government is committed to making our island safer,” said Premier David Burt.

“Gun crime is something that must be addressed collectively as a community if we are to stamp out anti-social behaviour in our neighbourhoods,” said Minister of National Security Michael Weeks.

A Government spokesperson said, “The Premier and the Minister’s comments come in the wake of last week’s incidences of gun violence.

“And in a measure of reassurance to the community, Minister Weeks, visited the Middle Town neighbourhood in Pembroke over the weekend following the shooting on Thursday, which left several injured. Minister Weeks was accompanied by area MP Curtis Dickinson.”

Following the visit, Minister Weeks said, “Rightly, the residents in this area are fearful and concerned. This brazen daylight shooting should cause us all to pause. During our visit on Saturday, we listened intently, with care and compassion, to the neighbourhood’s concerns. I assured them that this Government is resolute in our determination to confront and overcome the pervasiveness of gun violence.”

The Minister continued, “But we cannot do it alone. It is a collective effort – Police, community stakeholders and, of course, members of the public. We cannot allow fear or silence to prevail. We must all do our part. And it is imperative that we unite as a community to ensure the safety and well-being of all our residents.”

The spokesperson said, “The Minister noted that under the Government’s National Strategic Plan for Community Violence and Anti-Social Behaviour, significant efforts are underway to address the root causes of violence.

“The establishment of the Gang Violence Reduction Team [GVRT] marked a crucial step forward in this endeavour, which focuses on reducing gang-related violence and its detrimental effects on our neighbourhoods. Additionally, progress continues to be made on implementing an island wide CCTV system, which, while not directly related to the anti-violence strategy, will serve as a vital tool in detecting and deterring criminal activity.

“Looking ahead, Minister Weeks confirmed that further details regarding the National Strategic Plan will be forthcoming, underscoring the Government’s commitment to transparency and proactive engagement with the community.”

Premier Burt added, “I fully support the work being done by Minister Weeks, his team at the Ministry of National Security, and the Gang Violence Reduction Team to address the root causes of anti-social behaviour. I also thank our emergency services for their devotion and care in responding to these incidents.

“We must also have support and assistance from the community for the work being done to be truly effective. This collaboration is essential, as it is only by working together that we can make Bermuda safer for all.”

The spokesperson said, “Lastly, both the Premier and Minister Weeks extended their ‘profound gratitude’ to all of Bermuda’s emergency services personnel for their dedication in responding to a spate of critical incidents. They jointly acknowledged the BPS’s efforts in their heightened presence and vigilance, and for their response to other emergency activities to ensure the safety of ‘our communities amidst these challenging times.’”

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  1. Vortex says:

    Yeah but what you doing about it?

    Another gang expert to go and give them lolipops?

    30-6, utterly useless Government.

  2. Triangle Drifter says:

    Words. More meaningless words from the politicians.

    How about getting some convictions and letting the courts know that it is time to give some meaningful penalties and stop letting the criminals out after only a fraction of their time.

  3. Trufth says:

    You guys are truly doing a great job. Well done, you. Keep up the great work. You too, Pasta Bean. You’ve really tackled gun violence as evidenced by the significant reduction in gun violence.
    Oh, but, wait…

    Who knew it would only take “condemnation” from these 2 to solve the problem. Well, that AND asking the public to snitch. Keep me posted as to how that turns out.

  4. Joe Bloggs says:

    Might I suggest, Minister Weeks, that the Bermuda Police Service be properly funded so that all established posts are filled and police officers can be on the street making their presence known so as to deter crime, rather than only showing up after the fact and dealing with the aftermath.

    • Hilarious! says:

      You should be aware that for Bermuda’s population and number of crimes, the BPS is overstaffed. Downsizing the BPS would free up a lot of funds. BPS should not be spending money sending personnel to non-police classes such as insurance so there is no shortage of money.

      Better personnel management is required. It is rare, in my opinion, to see BPS walking the streets of Hamilton, Dockyard, or St. George’s. Seems they are just out for special events and when ships come in.

      Managing personnel over such a small area as Bermuda is simply not rocket science. Having police patrolling high-crime areas is not rocket science. Maximizing police presence is not rocket science. Maximizing the police Reserve is not rocket science. Mixing up the patrol routines to keep criminals off balance is not rocket science.

      Crime in Bermuda is out in the open. Just walk down Court Street and you can see drug transactions taking place in the alleys and even on the street. What would be the result if one day BPS mobilized a dozen officers and a drug-sniffing dog for a sweep of a few blocks? WOW! What a radical idea!

      Look to the top levels of BPS for accountability.

    • sage says:

      More than $650,000,000 in the last decade isn’t enough? 33 unsolved murders, murderers walking free over technicalities and others beating weak prosecutions too often. Money isn’t the issue.

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