100 Women In Finance Holds Virtual Event
100 Women in Finance [100WF] successfully hosted another virtual event on August 24th.
The latest in a series of virtual education events, the Bermuda members of 100 Women in Finance’s heard from Lorene Phillips, Founder of Clarendon Wallace. Lorene is an Executive Coach & Etiquette and Leadership Trainer, Facilitator, Speaker and Author.
Alison Morrison, Managing Director & Founder of Bermuda Compliance Consultants Ltd. & Chair of the 100 Women in Finance Committee in Bermuda shared the following of the event: “We were delighted to welcome Lorene to speak again to our group following her highly successful presentation to our Next Gen group.
“This presentation focused on how to communicate effectively in the current remote enviroment. The ability to present ourselves in a confident manner and project our best professional image are key during virtual meetings.
“Lorene engaged our membership in an interesting and practical discussion on how to command a room with noverbal communication. Participants had an opportunity to share their own personal experiences in virtual breakout rooms.”
Lorene Phillips, Founder of Clarendon Wallace added: “Now more than ever, leading virtual meetings well is a critical core competency for any leader especially as we find ourselves squarely in a predominantly remote working environment. Communicating in a virtual environment is not new but it is quickly becoming the ‘next norm’.
“Knowing how to confidently incorporate good non-verbal communication techniques coupled with great virtual meeting structure and etiquette will enhance your presence in virtual meetings, whether as a host or an attendee. We all want to be successful at communicating clearly and effectively to clients, bosses and colleagues. And we should. Research shows that you are promoted faster and achieve more success based largely on your ability to communicate effectively”.
100 Women in Finance is a global network of professionals in the finance and alternative investment industries working together to empower women at every stage of their careers.
Through peer engagement, philanthropic and educational initiatives, the organisation has grown to more than 15,000 members globally. Approximately 250 of this number make up the Bermuda membership, who are making connections and creating opportunities that help to advance careers and strengthen our fields of expertise.
To learn more about the benefits of membership or to become a member of the 100 Women in Finance community, please visit the website to register.