Ascendant Group Releases Q2 2020 Financials

October 7, 2020

Ascendant Group Limited, a publicly traded provider of energy and energy-related services, announced that results for the first six months of 2020 have been released.

The Six Month Report will be sent to shareholders and is also available on Ascendant’s website at

The Ascendant Six Month Earnings follow below [PDF here]:

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  1. Kathy says:

    Ascendant, what are you doing to help the people surrounding BELCO with regard to keeping their roofs clean, their water tanks clean and the air clean? HEALTH AND SAFETY BEFORE PROFITS! The people of Bermuda have little to no respect for your Company, its management, its Directors and shareholders.

    The Bermuda Government should immediately place a $0.13 per kWh tax on carbon emissions from BELCO that must be paid out of Ascendants Corporate Profits (i.e. not passed onto the people) and this money should be used to clean roofs and tanks in the area on a regular basis as well as used to supplement the people of Bermuda transitioning away from fossil fuels by renewable energy incentives.

    WE MUST TAKE ACTION NOW. Three stacks in Pembroke is proving to be too much for the residents and this cannot continue. WE ARE FED UP!!!