Welsh Captain Looking Forward To Rugby Series

October 19, 2020

Luke Treharne, captain of the Wales 7s team, has been on cloud nine since arriving in Bermuda where he has been training alongside his SX10 teammates in preparation for the World Tens Series.

Having not played since the pandemic halted proceedings, the Welshman is enjoying being back in a professional environment, preparing hard for next weekend’s opening tournament.

Luke Treharne Bermuda Oct 2020

“It is quality to be here, I’m really enjoying it,” said Treharne when asked how his time in Bermuda had gone so far, whilst catching up at the National Sports Complex where the tournaments will be played.

“It is one of the best pitches I have seen to be fair, it looks like a carpet. We have had a run around on the second pitch on Saturday and it is not cutting up at all so I think it will be great for the start next weekend.”

It has been 10 years since Treharne last played Tens, but he is relishing his opportunity.

“I played Tens when I was in college which was 10 years ago,” he said.

“It was nowhere near the scale of what this series will be. I haven’t played 15-a-side for a few years either, so this is the longest form of the game I have played in the last few years, but I’m looking forward to it.”

The SX10 squad, the team that Treharne will be representing, have a mixture of players with 15s and 7s experience, and he is enjoying working with players from the 7s circuit who he has been an opponent of in the past.

“It is cool coming from the 7s circuit and getting to play alongside a lot of players I have come up against in the past.

“Meeting the rest of the South African boys that come from a 15s background and introducing them to a slightly quicker style of the game has been fun during the last two days of training, which has been tough.”

The local landscape and climate is a definite plus for Treharne, who is looking forward to seeing more of Bermuda over the coming weeks.

“I’m hoping to get out around the island, I have brought my filming gear so I will definitely get out onto the beaches.

“We are planning on going to the Blue Hole together which will be great. Three weeks is just a nice time to see as much as possible and get involved in as many activities as our down time allows.”

The opening tournament of the World Tens League gets underway next Saturday 24 October.

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