‘Cases Within The Department Of Corrections’

December 18, 2020

“The Ministry of National Security can advise that there are confirmed positive Covid-19 cases within the Department of Corrections,” Minister Renee Ming said, adding that “while this is a concerning development, I want to assure the public that we are taking all of the necessary actions and precautions to ensure that those who work and reside at our correctional facilities are safeguarded and protected from the Covid-19 virus.”

Extract of the press conference where the Minister announces the confirmed cases within Corrections:

Speaking at last night’s [Dec 17] press briefing, Minister Ming said, “The Ministry of National Security can advise that there are confirmed positive Covid-19 cases within the Department of Corrections. I can also confirm that all persons have been tested.

“The positive cases have been isolated and I can assure the community that all of the necessary health protocols and recommendations are being followed in accordance with guidance from the Department of Health.

“I want to stress this evening that the health and safety of the Officers, staff and inmates at the Department of Corrections is our paramount concern.

“And while this is a concerning development, I want to assure the public that we are taking all of the necessary actions and precautions to ensure that those who work and reside at our correctional facilities are safeguarded and protected from the Covid-19 virus.

“As a note, the Department of Corrections has a specialised response team that is focused on dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic.

“The team is tasked with ensuring that any risks associated with COVID-19 are mitigated in accordance with the department’s pandemic plan.

“I want to take this opportunity to commend our staff for working diligently under very stressful conditions throughout this pandemic.

“We will continue to closely monitor the risk levels and put measures in place to ensure the wellbeing of all.”

The amount of positive cases within the facility and staff was not provided.


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  1. Paradise reclaimed says:

    Has Bermuda followed other jurisdictions in releasing all non-violent persons in custody? If so, kudos, if not, why not?

  2. Dread says:

    No comments here, I guess people don’t give a rat’s a.. about the prisoner’s.