Police Service “Give A Child A Gift” Initiative

December 23, 2020

The Bermuda Police Service Community Policing Division ‘A’ Watch recently held their annual ‘Give a Child a Gift’ initiative at Paget Primary.

This year two deserving Paget Primary students – one boy and one girl – were chosen to receive gifts donated by CPD ‘A’ Watch staff.

Back Row [left to right] – Inspector Markland Telemaque, Staff Officer Calvin Smith, Superintendent Na’imah Astwood, Constable Talitha Simons and Constable Mervin Homer; Front Row [left to right] – Paget Primary students Maciah Tucker and Timaii Davis

Give a Child a Gift Bermuda Dec 2020

“Receiving the gifts were 6-year-old Maciah Tucker and 9-year-old Timaii Davis, accompanied by their family members. Also in attendance were a few school staff, including the principal of Paget Primary Ms. Idonia Beckles,” a spokesperson said.

“On hand to present the gifts were Constable Mervin Homer [CPD ‘A’ Watch], Constable Talitha Simons [CPD ‘A’ Watch], Inspector Markland Telemaque [CPD ‘A’ Watch], Superintendent Na’imah Astwood [CPD] and Mr. Calvin Smith, Staff Officer to the Commissioner of Police.”

Constable Homer explained: “This is our 6th year. We choose a school in our district and ask the principal and staff to identify the students – we don’t know who they are. Everybody on ‘A’ Watch contributes to the gifts.”

Inspector Telemaque added: “The children are the focus here, not us – we just want to make it a great time for them and hope they enjoy it.”

Superintendent Astwood noted that while a career in policing is often challenging, the highlights include the opportunity to give back to the community, saying: “This is a small gift from all of us to you. We hope you enjoy it and recognise that although policing often requires officers to do some hard things, this is but one example of the good things police officers do for our community.”

“Staff Officer Smith highlighted that a $150 grocery store voucher was also provided to each family, to assist with necessities at this time of year,” a spokesperson noted. “Sincere thanks to Principal Beckles and her team at Paget Primary for their assistance in making this year’s presentation possible.”

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