22,000 More Vaccines Expected On April 6th
22,000 vaccines are expected to arrive in Bermuda on April 6th, Government House announced today, with this to mark the 5th shipment of vaccines the island has received.
A spokesperson said, “The UK Government continues to work closely with its Overseas Territories [OT] in their fight against Covid-19.
“To date Bermuda has been provided with over 55,000 of the PfizerBioNTech vaccines and it is anticipated that a fifth shipment of 22,000 vaccines together with ancillary equipment will arrive in Bermuda on 6 April.”
As the island and world deals with the Covid-19 pandemic, we are doing our best to provide timely and accurate information, and you can find more information on the links below.
- All: Our coverage of the Covid-19 pandemic here
- Official: Bermuda Government website here
- World Stats: Live graph of all cases worldwide here
- Bermuda Stats: Chart of the Bermuda stats here
- Vaccinations: Data covering vaccinations here
- Timeline: Visual look at the timeline here
- Comprehensive: BermudaCovid.com website here
- Live Updates: Continuous updates here.
And this is whilst the UK struggles with distribution problems of their own due to EU failures. Forever grateful. Who said Bermuda doesn’t need this relationship.