‘The Jewels Of Bermuda’ Book To Be Released

March 23, 2021

An upcoming children’s book titled The Jewels of Bermuda is now available for pre-order on Kickstarter, with $1 of each pre-order sale promising to be donated to The Bermuda Turtle Project.

Book author Émilie Cossette said, “Ride the waves with Stella as she goes on an extraordinary underwater adventure with Duffy the green sea turtle.

“From angelfish to humpback whale, crossing a swarm of moon jellyfish with a detour to see impressive shipwrecks, this book highlights many fascinating treasures hidden beneath Bermuda’s turquoise waters.

“Since protecting and preserving wildlife has always been an important value for me, I decided to give $1 per book sold during the pre-order to The Bermuda Turtle Project, an amazing research and education organization on sea turtles in Bermuda.

“Don’t wait to pledge on Kickstarter; we are offering an early bird special for the first 48 hours only. You will have the opportunity to choose from many very interesting packages that can include other extra rewards for your favorite young readers.

“We need to reach the goal to make the project live, and the faster we get to our goal, the more visibility the project gains on the Kickstarter platform.”

To pre-order the book by pledging, visit the project’s Kickstarter page.

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