Covid: 75 New Positive, 537 Active, 5 In Hospital
The Ministry received 2151 test results and 75 were positive for Covid-19 — three classified as imported, 24 as local transmission with known contact and 48 as under investigation — so the island has 537 active cases. Five people are in hospital, with three in critical care.
A Government spokesperson said, “The Ministry of Health received 2151 test results since the last update, and 75 were positive for COVID-19. Three of the new cases are classified as imported by two residents who arrived on Jet Blue B62231 from New York on 26 March 2021 and tested positive on their Day 4 test. One non-resident who arrived on British Airways BA 2233 from London on 26 March 2021 and tested positive on their Day 4 test.
“24 of the new cases are classified as local transmission with known contact as they are associated with known cases. The additional 48 new cases are classified as under investigation. These cases are among residents with no currently identified link to other known cases or history of travel in the past 14 days.
“Additionally, since the last update, there were 14 recoveries.
There are currently 537 active cases, of which;
- · 532 are under public health monitoring and;
- · Five are in the hospital, with three in critical care.
“Since March 2020, Bermuda has recorded 1292 total confirmed cases of COVID-19; out of those, 743 persons have recovered, and 12 persons have sadly succumbed to COVID-19.
“The mean age of all confirmed positive cases is 41 years (median: 39 years), and the ages range from less than one year to greater than 100 years.
“The mean age of all currently active cases is 39 years (median: 39 years), and the ages range from less than ten years (age group: 0-9 years) to greater than 80 years (age group: 80-100 years). The mean age of all hospitalised cases is 62 years (median: 55 years), and the ages range from less than 60 years (age group: 50-59 years) to greater than 80 years (age group: 80-100 years). The mean age of all deceased cases is 75 years (median: 77 years), and the ages range from less than 60 years (age group: 50-59 years) to greater than 80 years (age group: 80-100 years).
“The source of all cases is as follows:
- · 245 are imported
- · 856 are classified as local transmission of which:
- 764 are local transmission with known contact/source and
- 92 are local transmission with an unknown contact/source
- · 191 are under investigation
“As investigations proceed, transmission categories may change. Today’s update has 9 cases moving from under investigation to local transmission with known contact/source.
“Of the over 200,000 test results reported, the mean age of all persons tested is 43 years (median: 42 years), and the ages range from less than one year to greater than 100 years. The seven-day average of our real-time reproduction number is 1.94.
“Bermuda’s current World Health Organization (WHO) country status is “Community Transmission”.
“Please stay in your bubble this Easter weekend,” insisted Minister of Health, Kim Wilson. “Now is not the time to be irresponsible, to gather in groups outside of your immediate household, or have parties.”
“All week, we have been stressing this message because if you do not follow this guidance, we are going to see higher numbers of people contracting the virus, getting sick and dying.”
“We must all do our part to stop the spread of the coronavirus. Follow Public Health guidelines, wear a mask, practice good hand hygiene, maintain physical distance and download the WeHealth Bermuda app. If you haven’t already, register to get vaccinated.”
“Vaccinated people are at less risk. They will be less ill and have mild symptoms or no symptoms at all. Vaccinated persons are better off than non-vaccinated persons because vaccinated persons will not get severely ill.”
“Please think of all of our safety this holiday weekend, and stay put. I wish everyone a happy and healthy Good Friday.”
As the island and world deals with the Covid-19 pandemic, we are doing our best to provide timely and accurate information, and you can find more information on the links below.
- All: Our coverage of the Covid-19 pandemic here
- Official: Bermuda Government website here
- World Stats: Live graph of all cases worldwide here
- Bermuda Stats: Chart of the Bermuda stats here
- Vaccinations: Data covering vaccinations here
- Timeline: Visual look at the timeline here
- Comprehensive: website here
- Live Updates: Continuous updates here.
Until you start fining people cases are still going to increase..
This is getting worse. Those folks not taking this seriously, please take is seriously. We are headed for a lockdown – it’s not a matter of if but when. We all need to be on board.
UK variant, London flights bringing it to Bermuda. Spreading like wildfire on this rock. People can’t afford two weeks off to quarantine, so many don’t get tested. Gov’t won’t lock down because they can’t afford it. Lives are less important than money. British colony, will they help us financially? In our wildest dreams. Sad. Will the millionaires and billionaires help? Too greedy. Nice world isn’t it. The general population has to just ride this turbulent wave and hope for the best.
This is a complete duplication of last year April (and the Lockdown) but much worse.
Bermuda reminds me of a slowly sinking ship……
Why should the UK bail us out of the financial hole Burt and Co have dug??
Because they OWN us….they are responsible for us. Bermuda is not an INDEPENDENT country, so if Bermuda requested financial help, the U.K. would have to oblige. Just like how we get this “FREE” vaccines. The mother land taking care of her colony.
Jevon, I am guessing that you still live with your parents and that your mother still does your cooking and cleaning and does not make you do chores or pay board.
Some day you will grow up and be responsible for yourself, but you will still have parents and your mum will still feel the same way about you.
That is what happened to Bermuda nearly 401 years ago. On 1 August 1620 we became responsible for our own laws and system of government.
Gosh, where to begin.
1. No
2. For defense and policing only
3. Correct, but does have a self determining legislature
4. No it wouldn’t.
The UK has zero obligation to offer to help us out the PLP mess. See point 3, we voted for this.
Bermuda is not a colony.
Still mad at the obaUBP for failing Bermuda! If the election was called next week your party would still fail with 30 v 6. lol
The only people failing Bermuda are the PLP. See 20 years of decline as exhibit one.
Thank God!
So, because you voted for ya party who put us in d hole – you think them p in d queens crib gonna bale us out? No Bie , go fly a kite, have some fish cakes and hot cross buns while we sink further because ya party put us in this mess.
“Because they OWN us”
..and when they decide that you can’t discriminate against the LGBT community, you’ll accept that as well?
Not to put $#!+ on the line in 2021, but what does this have to do with “that” subsection(in no derogatory term) of the community if this is a human problem we’re talking about. That’s like saying but what about the brown eyed people…Smh. Everyone in their feelings. Not just you but people aren’t looking at things logically or doing the research for themselves. Don’t allow media to tell you what the truth is without backing it with the professionals. Not saying that the media would ever try and manipulate the people…. never that
The UK are making sure we have free vaccines and tests.
I think the UK has already helped us enough.
Not that this blinkered Govt would ever acknowledge that.
How many time would you like this Gov’t to acknowledge the U.K’s assistance Jimmy? Give it a break.
Just once, would be nice….but they won’t, because they’re selfish children.
Er, once would be nice.
Move to another Country. Hmm which one?
Why do people not stop and adhere to the guidelines instead of adopting it won’t happen to me philosophy. Maybe we are now dealing with the legacy of prior activity, but you only have to look to other countries UK and Europe, to see where that has gotten them with repeat lock downs the last of which started in November and is still ongoing. It really shouldn’t be that difficult and we enjoy more freedom ( currently) on this beautiful island than others across the pond, where everything is strained. Just want to see life return to semi- normal, be healthy, happy and the good vibe come back.
Premier Burt, please confirm that all your MPs have signed up and been vaccinated.
That’s actually a good question. Or is Burt and Kim Wilson the only ones flying that flag?
Oh don’t worry. They were first in line.
keep the party going people. spread the virus coz you cant stay home or you cant celebrate your bday without crowds or you want to shop for snacks at the pharmacy or you need nothing but want to be social in grocery store. How about you accept your lonelyness and stay home not risking essential peoples life !
All grocery stores are fed up with putting us at risk .
So we have an increase in people taking vaccines and then there is a spike in COVID cases. Would be nice to see a chart showing the times vaccines were taken crossed with the COVID cases…
You’re trying to make a connection that doesn’t exist. If you’re trying to say that the numbers of vaccinated people correlates with this spike or that there are vaccinated people getting Covid-19 or that the vaccine doesn’t work, you won’t have a leg to stand on.
We know by just looking at the numbers there are more people not vaccinated than there are vaccinated. It’s obvious by just looking at the stats. Based on that and knowing that the UK variant is spreading quickly through Bermuda, it’s CRITICAL that everyone gets vaccinated. The UK variant is driving this spike.
Sidebar: 36 hours after my 2nd jab, I started to feel lethargic in the evening, like I had a long day of hard labour. 48 hours later and it’s a complete 180. Feeling pretty normal.
Allow me to play devils advocate. So now there is a more aggressive strain in terms of it being more contagious yet they’re putting a version of the virus (not the so called UK strain)into the most susceptible populous…
You’re still trying to make a connection or an allusion and it’s not going to work. There is no conspiracy or failing on the part of the Govts. I’m not a scientist but this is how vaccines (or some anyway) work. They put a “piece” of the virus into your system so that the vaccine can attack it. I’m willing to bet you put way worse things into your body on a Saturday night.
It’s pretty simple: this spike is driven by the more contagious and aggressive UK variant which is now on the loose because of irresponsible people going to big gatherings and parties IE the Botanical Gardens, the Smith’s party and the funerals. We have 18 people in the hospital – that should be causing all kinds of alarms bells with you non-believers! Of those in hospital, how many people in their orbit are now worried about themselves? I’m quite certain A LOT.
This will help you and anyone else better understand:
Then go get vaccinated. Everyone will eventually anyway so you might as well just do it now.
Nytimes that activist rag?
NYTimes just admitted in court that their “news” is just opinion just so you know.
The vaccine will not necessarily stop the spread of cases. Evidence suggests that you can still transmit Covid even if you have been vaccinated. The vaccine stops you getting severely ill with Covid but it doesn’t stop you transmitting it. So for those of you who are not taking the vaccine and are relying on enough others getting the vaccine to give herd immunity, you are playing a dangerous game. You need to get vaccinated yourselves.
It would be interesting to know how many of the 537 currently active cases ( are linked to (a) the party at the Botanical Gardens and (b) the party in Smith’s.
The people around me that follow social media tell me that there were people who attended both parties.
Burt got us into this. 30-6. He was the one who was annoyed that the covid controls were drafted as criminal acts, and changed them to be summary offences.
Are you seriously blaming the PLP Government and the Premier for the COVID-19 pandemic?
On February 18 Burt made a decision to stop the curfew. He opened the island up, increased the size of allowed crowds, etc. He also complained that the police were being too heavy-handed enforcing covid laws. He put in process a change in law to make sure covid breaches are summary offenses, not crimes. He weakened the covid laws.
By March 1st, we were in a mess and curfew was reinstated. Burt started complaining that the police were not being strict enough enforcing covid laws. And here we are with one person in 60 confirmed positive. Full lockdown. Ming doesn’t even know what Ministerial exceptions she has made to the curfew.
Burt could have kept control of this. We have enough vaccine for everyone, it just needed proper leadership. Burt is not up to the task.
Why are people coming to the pharmacy for non-essential crap? I’ve seen guys buying snacks, chocolate, bday cards? Really? Why are you so inconsiderate. You are risking life’s of cashiers . Sit your @ss home for week or two! Everyone is tired of your nonsense.
Understand what essential means. Find a definition ,google it if you struggling.
Stop being selfish and start respecting essential workers .
This is lockdown light. Not only are people going out when they like for whatever they like, the roads are as hazardous as ever. I had to jump out of the way of 4 cars and 1 truck (with a for hire plate) today on my daily walk. So much for only going out when necessary!
The following is what you posted on the thread about parks and railway trails being closed …..
*Cars and bikes are not supposed to be on the road except for necessary trips to the grocery store or chemist or gas station. The roads should not be dangerous.*
My comment to counter that has only just been put up but it looks like since then you’ve had an about face !
Provide them and they can be brought to justice!
Exactly what Ms. Ming was banking on, isn’t it? Whistle blowers must report the news and share on social media. It is the only way to hold people accountable in our Government.