Photos & Video: Aftermath Of Fire At Playground

April 11, 2021

[Updated] The playground at Pigs Field, located off of Bandroom Lane in Pembroke, has been destroyed by a fire, with the police confirming that the fire “is being treated as suspicious.”

Last night, the Bermuda Fire and Rescue Service responded to the blaze with two appliances from Hamilton Station and a total of six firefighters. The BRFS extinguished the fire, and stated that the “cause of the fire is unknown and is being investigated by the fire investigator.”

Update 10.06am: The police said, “Last night’s fire at Pigs Field is being treated as suspicious. An investigation has begun and anyone with information is asked to call 295-0011.”

This is the latest in a series of “suspicious” fires in Pembroke.

Aftermath of fire at Pigs Field Bermuda April 2021 (1)

Aftermath of fire at Pigs Field Bermuda April 2021 (2)

Aftermath of fire at Pigs Field Bermuda April 2021 (3)

Aftermath of fire at Pigs Field Bermuda April 2021 (4)

Aftermath of fire at Pigs Field Bermuda April 2021 (5)

Aftermath of fire at Pigs Field Bermuda April 2021 (6)

Aftermath of fire at Pigs Field Bermuda April 2021 (7)

Aftermath of fire at Pigs Field Bermuda April 2021 (8)

Aftermath of fire at Pigs Field Bermuda April 2021 (9)

Aftermath of fire at Pigs Field Bermuda April 2021 (10)

Aftermath of fire at Pigs Field Bermuda April 2021 (11)

Aftermath of fire at Pigs Field Bermuda April 2021 (12)

Aftermath of fire at Pigs Field Bermuda April 2021 (13)

Aftermath of fire at Pigs Field Bermuda April 2021 (14)

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Category: Accidents and fires, Accidents/Fires, All, News, Photos

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  1. This is very disturbing and I hope that the neighbors in the area that have surveillance cameras in their homes, can help shed some light, but if not those responsible, Just know that what you cause to happen to other’s today, will come back at you when you least expect it. The Old Timer’s would say, Just Live A While Longer, Life has a way of catching up with you and teach you some hard core lesson that you may not want to go through. Bible say’s Whatsoever a man soweth, That shall he also reap.

  2. sage says:

    Suspicious? Playground equipment doesn’t spontaneously combust. Like all other previous fires and explosions the details of the promised investigations will be kept secret. Whoever did this should be ashamed of themselves.

  3. Toodle-oo says:

    If there is a serial arsonist in our midst responsible for the myriad of strange vehicle and ‘vacant’ building fires and now this then that person needs to be apprehended as soon as possible.
    It surely won’t be long before he starts a fire in an occupied building or one spreads from an unoccupied building into an occupied one and there is loss of life.
    In other places the arsonists are often recognized (and caught) as they are the one person consistently seen as a spectator at the various fire scenes .

  4. Eyes says:

    Certainly, very sick person or persons on the loose . It doesn’t take rocket science to connect all this maliciousness intended to hurt people with all this arson these last two months and continue to tarnish the Island’s reputation.
    There is enough suffering right now with Covid sickness, dying and the economic fallout that continues to batter people.

  5. Loquat tree says:

    Why target a children’s facility? Sicko!