84,022 Total Vaccinations, 64.6% Had Two Doses

August 17, 2021

Bermuda has administered a total of 84,022 vaccinations — an increase of 479 from the statistics released last week — and 64.6% of the population have received two doses thus far.

Covid gif bermuda aug 17 2021

A Government spokesperson said, “Bermuda has completed 31 weeks of vaccinations. Since January 11, Bermuda has administered a total of 84,022 vaccinations.

“Of the 84,022 vaccinations given as of August 14:

  • 52% are women and,
  • 48% are men

“82.7% of all residents over the age of 65 years have had at least one vaccination, and 81.6% are fully immunized.

“To date, 65.9% of the population has been vaccinated [1 dose], and 64.6% of the population has been immunized [2 doses].”

The Government spokesperson said, “The vaccine clinic at the King Edward Memorial Hospital is open for appointments and walk-ins, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4pm-7pm, and Saturdays from 8am-4pm. Additionally, you can go to the Washington Mall on Saturday, August 28, between 10 am and 2 pm. Medical professionals will be available to answer your questions. You don’t need an appointment. Just show up to talk to someone or to get the vaccine.”

In providing information on the vaccination status of active cases, the Government said, “Imported cases: 29 [69%] are fully vaccinated, and 13 [31%] are not vaccinated. Local/Under Investigation cases: 18 [25%] are fully vaccinated, and 53 [75%] are not vaccinated.”

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You can find more information on the links below and also on our dedicated website BermudaCovid.com, which is the most comprehensive resource and historic record available of Bermuda’s handling of the pandemic.

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Comments (10)

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  1. Wow says:

    We might as well start giving out 3rd doses to those that want them so our vax supply doesn’t go to waste / expire.

  2. Rig says:

    65% is an embarrassingly low number, a national disgrace.

    • Sandgrownan says:


      • LOL (original) says:

        Indeed I mean you and the other supremacists on here are so worried about spelling. Really all your trying to do is silence others that disagree (little fascist ya, dare I say Trumpish). By the way first target of Communists where the disabled ( called them undesirable, humm where have we heard that before) MS, and other conditions do not allow some people the ability to get the jab in the first place as it is dangerous for them to do so. All you get spellers on here said there would be exemptions for medical blah blah. At the end of the day NY has no exemption under the vaccine passport. Making second class citizens in the state or to use the words you have “plague rats” code for undesirables. See the slow creep to authoritarian thought. Learn from history don’t just learn to spell it and think you know.

    • question says:

      Yes, except that we are still actually below 65%. We’ve been “nearly there” for over a month.

  3. Joe Bloggs says:

    Interesting how the fact that we now have 52 new cases, bringing total active cases back into triple digits (113) is a different story/announcement

  4. Question says:

    The low vaccination rate is a failure of leadership.

    • Joe Bloggs says:

      No, the low vaccination rate is a result of many things, but political leadership is not one of them. The PLP Government has done a very good job of trying to persuade the people of the facts (scientific facts, not unfounded conjecture).

      Bermuda has, for more than a year now, had more vaccine on hand that it could use.

      Some people are not getting vaccinated because it is not medically appropriate for them to do so. Some people are not getting vaccinated because they believe the conspiracy theories being spread (such as that the vaccine does not work and it is just a way to put nanobots into humans) and others just do not trust modern medicine.

      • question says:

        No, the Burt / Wilson “leadership” has failed to educate and persuade. Nearly 20% of elderly people are still unvaccinated. Every target Burt has set for vaccinations has been missed, even though the targets reduce and get moved back every time they set them.
        If the population trusted what the leadership said, this wouldn’t be an issue. Instead, we had government ministers ignoring Covid laws, and Burt himself ignoring them, which meant they had (and have) no credibility. And we have ‘religion radio’ with an ex PLP MP spreading anti-vax nonsense every day, totally uncontested by Burt. Because Burt won’t say anything to upset churches – he would rather abdicate responsibility and tell people to make up their own minds.
        It’s a total failure of leadership, right when we really needed it.

  5. T Basin says:

    It’s simple, the rates are low because people just don’t trust their leaders and the information they are receiving. It looks like all the misleading statements have come home to roost There zero trust in the community and it is understandable. If everyone is honest with themselves, they will agree that this whole covid 19 pandemic has been a complete fiasco from top to bottom.