Two Males Arrested In Connection With Murder

September 28, 2021

The police have confirmed that “two 18-year-old males have been arrested in connection with the investigation into the murder of 57-year-old Duane Gibbons.”

“You may remember Mr. Gibbons was found with a stab wound to his back, lying in the roadway just east of the Swizzle Inn on the North Shore Road, Hamilton Parish, around 2:15 a.m. on Thursday 16th September, 2021,” a police spokesperson said.

“He was transported via ambulance to the King Edward VII Memorial Hospital, where he was subsequently pronounced dead.”

Acting Detective Inspector Jason Smith who has spearheaded the investigation said, “We wish to thank those members of the public who have so far come forward and provided information to assist with the investigation into this matter and continue to encourage anyone who believes they may have information regarding the murder of Mr. Gibbons to please contact me on 717-0864, or Detective Sergeant Windol Thorpe on 717-0752.”

“Anyone with information may also call the main police number, 295-0011 or, the independent and confidential Crime Stoppers number, 800-8477.”

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  1. Ringmaster says:

    Well done the BPS and public, but 18 years old? What a waste of their life and the victim’s. SMDH.

  2. Southampton says:

    Two little 18 year old babies who think they are real tuff guys. Cut their backside first then send them to court and prison.