Govt Urged To Be Role Model In Climate Change
In advance of Minister Roban traveling to the United Nations Climate Change Conference, the Bermuda Clean Air Coalition [BCAC] called on the “government to take a progressive stance and truly be a role model in the fight against climate change.”
A spokesperson said, “Bermuda is gaining attention on a global level as Minister Roban heads to the 26th United Nations Climate Change Conference, which runs from 31 October until 12 November 2021.
“As the media reports, Bermuda is representing the interests of small island states at the conference, and Minister Roban will have an important role to play. It is also being reported that the Minister will be conducting meetings with NGOs to share Bermuda’s experience and gain insights into the island’s strategy going forward.
“The Bermuda Clean Air Coalition [BCAC] is a voluntary, non-political group of concerned residents, businesses, and non-profit organizations who have come together to demand cleaner air and a safe environment for all Bermudians. For more than a year, the BCAC has been meeting with BELCO, government, DENR, and the Regulatory Authority to address the impact of BELCO’s operations on the local community.
“The government has taken an important step in reforming the outdated Clean Air Act, which will bring Bermuda’s emissions limits in line with global standards.”
The group said that “BELCO has also implemented new approaches to mitigating its impact, including more consistent roof painting policy, installing water filtration systems, and making adjustments to its engines to reduce the soot fallout that has been affecting properties in the vicinity,” however claimed that monitoring at the new mobile air quality station shows that “fumes from the BELCO plant have caused exceedances of the UK Air Quality Objective.”
“The BCAC calls on Minister Roban and the government to take a progressive stance and truly be a role model in the fight against climate change, by ensuring that the island moves away from burning Heavy Fuel Oil. However, this must be achieved without burdening Bermudians – many of whom already face financial challenges – with additional electricity costs.
“Currently, BELCO is permitted by existing regulations to transfer all of its fuel costs and any fuel taxes to the consumer. The BCAC calls for the government to explore ways to achieve more equitable cost sharing, for example whereby the government reduces its tax component [perhaps offset by the introduction of a Carbon Tax], and BELCO absorbs some of the additional cost of a lighter fuel.
“With Bermuda taking a prominent role at COP26, this feels like an excellent opportunity to show leadership on the world stage.”
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Category: All, Environment, News
I hope this gets published. Pass the Kool-Aid. There is nothing to “fight.” It is pure hubris to believe that more taxes and more government control can save the planet. These are the same governments that could not stop a virus. Please, please, please, THINK FOR YOURSELF!
“Climate change” is driven by Mother Nature, not humans. Governments worldwide are looking to control people under the guise of saving the planet. Anyone who has spent the time and actually read the research that claims humans are warming the planet knows it is bogus.
Consider that with the world shut down in 2020 due to covid, the CO2 level continued to rise. Consider that the IPCC has never replicated a single paper cited! Consider that there is no worldwide temperature monitoring network, but somehow we have “global warming.” Consider that the warming model projections fail to match the actual temperatures. Consider that scientists cannot accurately model the regional path of a hurricane, one weather event, out past 72 hours, but scientists claim they can project the earth’s global temperature in 2100.
For those who came in late: hundreds of people who participated in writing the IPCC’s AR4 claimed to have won the 2007 Peace Prize. Al Gore was the only person who shared the Prize with the IPCC. Over the years, thousands of the peers of these “scientists” failed to report the fraud. In Dec 2012, the IPCC asked people to stop making the claim.
To date, people still claim to have shared, co-won, were a co-recipient, etc, of the Prize. How many of these same people are attending COP26 and/or are advising governments?