MarketPlace Campaign Raises Nearly $60K

October 12, 2021

The MarketPlace has announced that its round-up campaign has raised nearly $60,000 for The Salvation Army and St Vincent de Paul Society.

A spokesperson said, “The MarketPlace today announced that its round-up campaign has raised nearly $60,000 for two charities supporting those continued to be heavily impacted by Covid-19.

“Customers across the island supported The MarketPlace charity round-up to raise money for The Salvation Army and St Vincent de Paul Society during September.

“The MarketPlace customers reached the total by rounding up their purchases to the nearest $1. Over the 30-day in-store campaign, customer donations and a contribution from our partner Clarien Bank totaled $57,705.42. These funds will be equally split between both charities.

Major Robert Kerr, Seth Stutzman and Joe Amaral

MarketPlace Bermuda October 2021

“We are beyond grateful for the success of this fundraising campaign. Since the start of the pandemic, The MarketPlace has worked creatively to support the multifaceted needs of our community through varying offerings and initiatives, including our ongoing three-times weekly 5% discount, pop-up Covid-19 testing at select stores island-wide, video series highlighting local entrepreneurs who sell their locally made or grown products in our stores, compassionate plan to hire laid-off workers of the Fairmont Southampton and our signature cost saving initiatives: Every Day Low Prices [EDLP] and Value Bags.”

Seth Stutzman, President of the MarketPlace group of stores, said, “A huge thank you to our customers for their enormous generosity. It is beautiful to see the community digging deep to support these two amazing charities. We are beyond grateful for the support of our customers and our partnership with Clarien Bank.

“This continues to be an incredibly tough period for many and hopefully, this donation of nearly $60,000 will help as many in need as possible. We all have to work together to help support each other.”

Major Robert Kerr, Divisional Commander for The Salvation Army, said, “Since the beginning of the pandemic, The Salvation Army has provided food assistance to 12,550 people and we have provided over 28,000 free meals in our communities.

“Our shelters have provided almost 14,000 nights of safe sleep to individuals throughout this same period. We are beyond grateful to the MarketPlace for their leadership in this effort and to Clarien Bank for their support. They have created an opportunity for many people to give and together they have done something great, thank you for helping us help others.

“As we head towards Christmas, we know the need will be great.”

Joe Amaral, Vice President of St Vincent de Paul Society, said, “We are truly thankful for The MarketPlace shoppers who have opened their hearts and wallets to such a needy cause. The past 18 months have been really tough on many families and these monies will enable us to continue our efforts supporting those in need.

“A heartful thanks to The MarketPlace staff and Clarien Bank for making this effort possible.”

Simon Van de Weg, Chief Banking Officer for Clarien Bank, said, “Clarien is pleased to be able to support the MarketPlace with its round-up charitable promotion. The dollars raised show a deep commitment from our community to help those in need during these challenging times.”

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  1. James says:

    This is absolutely amazing news. Other retailers hopefully will follow

  2. Sailor says:

    It’s amazing for all the people that donated. Did Marketplace match the people’s donations?