IAC Training Series On Starting A Nonprofit

February 7, 2022

The Inter Agency Committee for Children, Families and the Community [IAC] has opened registration for a two-part training series on starting a registered charity nonprofit.

A spokesperson said, “The Inter Agency Committee for Children, Families and the Community [IAC] – a nonprofit that unifies and strengthens social sector agencies to serve children, families and the community in Bermuda – has opened registration for a 2-part training series on starting a registered charity nonprofit.

“The virtual training will be facilitated by nonprofit consultant Danielle Riviere of OD Solutions, and will run virtually from 12pm to 1:30pm on Thursday February 17th and Thursday March 3rd. The series is intended for individuals interested in starting a nonprofit, learning more about the Charities Act requirements, or in growing a Board of Directors.

“Session 1 will provide an introduction to Bermuda’s nonprofit sector, what it takes to start and sustain a nonprofit including the regulations and requirements of the Charities Act. Session 2 will focus on creating a Board of Directors, and will provide an overview of best practices for recruiting, engaging and retaining board members.

“IAC Programme Manager Shana Williams encourages anyone interested in turning a passion project into a registered charity to attend.”

Mrs. Williams said, “When aiming to establish a charity locally, moving from a concept to reality can be challenging and navigating the unknown can be tough. IAC has partnered with Ms. Riviere who has expert knowledge on the charity requirements in Bermuda.

“By attending this course participants will be provided with the tools needed move past the unknown and fast forward to effectively execute their vision. In turn they will spend less time figuring things out and more time providing much needed relief to Bermuda’s social sector.”

The spokesperson said, “The cost of the training series is $20 for IAC members and $95 for non-members. Individual session registration is also available. To register for the training, visit here.

“IAC is Bermuda’s only nonprofit focused specifically on social sector capacity building to improve the effectiveness of the sector in meeting community needs. IAC strengthens agencies by providing training, leadership development and coordination; and it unifies agencies by facilitating collaboration and collective advocacy. Visit www.iacbermuda.org to learn more.”

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