Official Govt & Legal Notices For March 4 2022
The official Government and Legal notices today [March 4] include list of proposed planning applications advertised and notice of intended marriage.
List of Proposed Planning Applications Advertised on March 04, 2022
- Notice Type: Government Notice
- Notice Sub Type: Notification of Planning Applications Registered
- Notice ID: GN0289/2022
- Public Authorities / Department: Planning
Publication date: 04 March 2022
Listing Of Plan Applications Registered [For Advertisement]
Applications Advertised on March 4, 2022. This list was printed on March 4, 2022.
Objections to applications must be received within 14 days of the date advertised [March 18, 2022]
Summary of Application Details
The applications shown below are available for review on the EnerGov Customer Self Service Portal
[], or during normal working hours at the
Department of Planning, 5th Floor, Dame Lois Browne Evans Building, 58 Court Street, Hamilton HM 12.
Letters of objection should state any interest which the objector[s] may have in property nearby, supply an address
at which notice may be served on the objector[s], and provide a concise statement of the grounds of the objection.
For further information on the objection procedure see the Development and Planning [Applications Procedure] Rules
Application Application #
Alex Decouto
9 Keith Hall Estate Road
Warwick WK09
Proposed Alterations and Additions to Existing Dwelling to include Studio Apartment [2 Units
Total] by Internal Conversion, Office, Fireplace/Chimney, Covered Entry, and Covered Porch,
Relocation of Tank Access, New Barbeque and Fire Pit Sitting Area, Reconfiguration of Existing
Driveway and Replacement of Existing Wrought Iron Railing Along Roadway with New Wooden
Privacy Screening.
[Final Approval]
John Collis
Vacant Lot 6 [West of Fairways Road]
Riddle’s Bay, Warwick
Proposed New 2 Story House with One Bedroom Apartment [2 Units Total] attached by
Breezeway with Pool House and Swimming Pool, 4 ft. High Pool Barrier and Gate, Entrance
Driveway and Pillars [5 ft. 9 in. Max Height].
[Final Approval]
Carol Hulst
30 Tanglewood Road
Paget PG03
Proposed 2nd Dwelling Unit by Internal Conversion of Existing Pool House.
[Final Approval]
Heidi Lines
6 Lines Estate Road
Devonshire DV06
Proposed Alterations and Additions to Existing Dwelling to Include Storage, Family Room,
Bathroom, Covered Porch, Pergola and Fire Pit, New Pool, Pool Deck, Gas Barbeque Area, Hot
Tub and Steps with Storage Below, Modify Existing Openings for Doors, Modify Existing Steps,
Relocate Cesspit, 6 ft. Max Height Retaining Wall and 3 ft. High Chain‑link Fencing at Boundary.
[Final Approval]
Pokiok Ltd
Communal Area, Pokiok Crescent & Pokiok Road
[South of 10 & 12 Pokiok Road]
Proposed New Wooden Steps.
[Final Approval]
Karen Woolridge‑Pitt
43 Verdmont Road
Smiths FL02
Proposed Internal Alterations and Additions to Existing Dwelling to Include Partial Demolition of
Patio on Lower Level and Extend to Create a Family Room with Patio Above, Conversion of
Existing Upper Floor Patio to Living Room, Partial Rear Patio into Storage Area and Communal
Garbage Area.
[Final Approval]
Marriage Notice: Donneika Evans & Allan Mclellan
- Notice Type: Legal Notice
- Notice Sub Type: Notice of Intended Marriage
- Notice ID: LN0083/2022
- Public Authorities / Department: Registry General
- Publication date: 04 March 2022
The Marriage Act, 1944
Notice of Intended Marriage
The persons named and described hereunder have given notice to me of their intended marriage, namely:-
Donneika Janelle Evans of
Devonshire Parish [Single]
Allan Thomson Mclellan of
Devonshire Parish [Single]
Any person knowing any just cause or impediment why this marriage should not be allowed should enter caveat forthwith in the office of the Registrar General.
Dated this 28th day of February 2022.
Jeane Nikolai
Acting Registrar General
The official notices above have been republished from the relevant section on the official Government website. If you wish to view ‘hard copies’, the Department of Libraries & Archives prints them and you can visit the main library on Queen Street or the Government Archives in the Government Administration Building on Parliament Street to view them.
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