Over 1000 Images Added To Cup Match Website

August 8, 2022

With the 2022 Cup Match holiday now behind us, our dedicated Cup Match website – BernewsCupMatch.com – has been updated with coverage of a range of festivities which includes over 1,000 photos, videos and 360° panoramas spanning the various events such as the motorcades, music concerts, parties, art displays, festive decorations, the cricket match and more.

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The website covers the Cup Match holiday in extensive detail through over 150 videos, over 6000 photos, an array of free social media covers and phone wallpapers, and extensive information on the history of the holiday, as the holiday encompasses the very important celebration of Emancipation Day and Mary Prince Day.

BernewsCupMatch.com, along with our other network website BDADay.com means the island’s two major holidays have full websites dedicated to them in order to help Bermudians celebrate, as well as record the festivities and history for generations to come.

Both websites — created in-house by Bernews — are works in progress, and are continuously expanded and improved as time passes, creating the ultimate historic archive of Bermuda’s two most iconic holidays.

A scrolling look at the new videos added covering the 2022 festivities:


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For extensive coverage of Cup Match spanning over a decade, visit our website BernewsCupMatch.com, the island’s most comprehensive resource on the Cup Match holiday.


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