OBA: Minister Hayward’s Speech Is “Laughable”

February 7, 2023

The One Bermuda Alliance [OBA] called Minister Jason Hayward’s Motion to Adjourn speech “laughable”, saying that “while calling for free electricity is a good sound bite, what needs to happen is for the PLP Government and the Regulatory Authority to hold BELCO accountable.”

An OBA spokesperson said, “During Friday’s Motion to Adjourn in Parliament the One Bermuda Alliance listened carefully to the comments by Minister Jason Hayward in regards to the pollution by BELCO in constituency 17, the constituency he currently represents.

“The record shows that Minister Hayward has done little to help those impacted by the pollution and while calling for free electricity is a good sound bite, what needs to happen is for the PLP Government and the Regulatory Authority to hold BELCO accountable! Minister Hayward’s speech is laughable.

“Here are the facts. The PLP is the Government, the Premier will tell you his family homestead is in the area, the boss of BELCO is a senior PLP Member of Parliament and the MP for the area is a senior Cabinet Minister! Yet, with these connections, the PLP is unable to help those who suffer greatly every day by the pollution of the new engine.

“There can only be two reasons why this continues to happen: The PLP is unable to make decisions to end the pollution or they are unwilling to step on each others’ toes as party loyalty always comes first. It’s your call PLP! Please tell Bermuda which one is correct.

“Can you imagine if the OBA was the government and an OBA MP represented that constituency? The PLP would be creating all sorts of havoc.”

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  1. Who is the author of this? says:

    I would like to know who has made these statements? Please let us know

  2. Mark says:

    Please. We all know this. The government is only interested in lining its own pockets. Burt doesn’t live here. He flies around the world o. His private jets and we have been paying for it. Wake up Bermuda!

  3. Bermudiana says:

    The people are so blinded by race that they can’t see what is happening right in front of their eyes!! If anyone dare question or challenge the plp’s actions, they are attacked or black listed.. Thats why everyone just accepts the status quo.. Noone wants to rock the boat and hold people accountable

  4. Graham says:

    Why does Burt persist with this guy? Anyone can see that his oratory is seventh grade and his ideas are worse.

    He is a union man that the unions can’t abide and IB has an enormous distrust of him, exemplified in the ludicrous payroll tax changes.

    It’s really only Burt that supports him. Why?

  5. Karen says:

    Coles going to replaced by Jarrion before the next election LMAO now that’s laughable. obaUBP always believing this old move will sway black votes. NOPE!

    • Tucker says:

      Karen. Ignorant, shrill, loud and obnoxious…never fails to deliver. LOL

    • Sandgrownan says:

      Bingo! Race card.


    • Eyes wide open says:

      The OBA is the UBP and furthermore their always trying this silly stunt. Nothing new with these fools Karen.

      • tucker says:


        Careful who you call a fool, chad :)

      • Joe Bloggs says:

        “The OBA is the UBP”

        Keep up the big lie. Never give up on the big lie.