Disney Cruise Line Increases Visits To Island

April 24, 2023

“This year, Disney Cruise Line has increased its visits to Bermuda from seven last year to 11 scheduled calls this season,” said the Minister of Transport Wayne Furbert.

Minister Furbert added, “Disney Cruise Line is celebrating 25 years of providing magical vacations at sea. We are delighted that they have shown a greater interest in bringing their guests to Bermuda from April to November this year. I boarded MS Disney Fantasy last week to welcome the Captain and crew on their inaugural visit.

“Disney Fantasy will visit twice, and Disney Dream has nine scheduled calls through November. Disney Fantasy arrived on Wednesday, April 19 with 3246 guests. The ship left on Thursday for Nassau, Bahamas. Disney Fantasy is the second-largest cruise ship to dock at King’s Wharf.

“As I stated before, we’ve come a long way since 2013, when we hosted 123 cruise ship calls. We look forward to welcoming more than 200 calls in 2023. The number is spread throughout the year, and may fluctuate due to weather cancellations or new calls during the season.

“The cruise ship industry is important to Bermuda. The cruise ship dollar benefits our economy and those who work in the service industries, such as public service vehicle operators, retail and restaurant employees, tour boat operators, tour guides, lifeguards, artists, and sightseeing attractions.”

Minister Furbert and Capt. Michele Intartaglia

Minister Wayne Furbert and Capt Michele Intartaglia Bermuda April 2023

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  1. Stuart DeRoza says:

    Just some feedback…The merchants in the daytime do benefit from the ships, however, the nighttime establishments will require some assistance in making it enticing while in the Dockyard (as almost everything is closed and the guests (tourists) are always asking “what to do”…. some demographics or stats would help stimulate the nightlife as reaching out to say its majority elderly or a young crowd on board… if this is possible I am sure the tourism would further benefit. Just a Thought.. SD

  2. sandgrownan says:

    Vendors in Dockyard tell me that Disney passengers don’t spend ashore in great numbers.

    • Dejavu says:

      A cruise to bermuda from NYC starts at $1800 for 4 nights lol do you really think a middle class family could afford to spend $20 for a fish sandwich or $50 taxi ride. Like come on be serious tourist aren’t spending money on overpriced things no matter what it is. I would stay on the cruise ship and only get off to see the sites, which is exactly what they do