BHA Supports Fairmont Southampton Investment

May 9, 2023

The Bermuda Hotel Association [BHA] said it is “expressing its full support for the proposed investment in the Fairmont Southampton.”

A spokesperson said, “The aims of the BHA are to increase the number of air visitor arrivals to Bermuda, increase the overall national hotel occupancy and improve the return on investment to hotel investors.

“The proposed investment in the Fairmont Southampton will certainly further these goals by boosting the number of hotel beds on the island. This will, in turn, have a positive impact on tourism in Bermuda, as well as well as that of our overall economy.”

Fairmont Southampton Princess hotel resort generic (1)

“Increasing the overall hotel inventory in Bermuda will result in a significant increase in airlift and year-round business,” said Stephen Todd, CEO of the BHA. “Bermuda’s tourism economy will directly benefit from this investment with the reopening of the hotel. The BHA continues to stand behind this important project.”

A spokesperson added, “With a total of 27 association members, representing the majority of the hotels beds on the island, the BHA is the primary voice, advocate and champion for the hotel industry in Bermuda, as we focus our collective energy on enhancing and growing our tourism product by driving leisure and business visitors to our island.”

click here Bermuda Fairmont SDO

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  1. Joe Bloggs says:

    “The Bermuda Hotel Association [BHA] said they are “expressing its full support for the proposed investment in the Fairmont Southampton.””

    No one in their right mind opposes investment in the Southampton Princess hotel.

    What some people are concerned about is what appears to be some backroom deal by the PLP Government giving away tax breaks for years to come for what in return for something we are not allowed to know about.

  2. Ringmaster says:

    What is baffling is why the BHA supports the 15 years of tax breaks and duty exemptions. Surely if the SP gets these perks they are in a better position regarding room rates, so it’s unfair competition to all the other hotels. Will there be a move by all the other properties to demand similar perks?
    Anyway, the SDO has clearly already been approved so all it’s all smoke and mirrors. So much for a democracy, when one person has the power to agree such a wide reaching impact to the economy.