CBA Faculty Participates In Learning Programs

May 4, 2023

The CedarBridge Academy faculty recently participated in professional learning programs.

A spokesperson said, “Mrs. Joanne Anderson, a Certified Instructional Coach and Family Studies Teacher, led the ‘Data Driven Teachers’ workshop, which focused on educators who use data to drive their teaching strategies and improve student learning outcomes. Teachers were reminded of the importance of identifying areas where students may be failing and tailoring their instruction to match their students’ specific needs as they examined, discussed, and evaluated their individual subject data.”

Mrs. Theresa Miller, an English teacher, commented, “It was great to have a chance to connect with my fellow teachers in a more relaxed environment.”

CedarBridge Academy Bermuda May 2023 (1)

Ms. Gina Davis, the Director of Professional Learning and Pedagogy, led the “Strong Until the End” seminar. Educators were deeply moved and, in some cases, teary-eyed when they read the encouraging comments students wrote about the impact they had on their overall growth and development.

Mr. John Virgil, an English teacher, was even inspired to turn his emotions into poetry, titled:

“Well Spring of Life”

The question was asked “How did they impact you?”
The simple answer could be “In everything I do!”
But that answer would never would never encompass the whole view
Because Teaching for teachers is our well spring of life!

How could you not be changed by smiles and laughter?
How could you not be changed when your plans result in disaster?
How could you not be changed when students show you- you matter?
Because teaching for teachers is our well spring of life!

Countless hours spent learning and developing our content’s art.
Being pushed and pulled when exhausted, and feeling far less than smart.
External forces changing all that we know; just state what’s our part!
Because teaching for teachers is our well spring of life!

Teaching often can feel like a battle that’s all uphill.
Our reservoirs are often on empty and needing a refill.
But teachers feel it and know it and quit they never will.
Because teaching for teachers is our well spring of life!

CedarBridge Academy Bermuda May 2023 (2)

Finally, the professional development day was summed by Dr. Keyna Crawford-Anderson, Instructional Leader for Social Studies who said, “The workshops were different; productive but fun because collaboration was woven into them from start to finish. There were exciting moments as well as times to think and reflect.

“We attend a number of organized on-campus and online workshops during the school year that, in most circumstances, do not suit our professional, emotional, or social needs. Participants were encouraged to connect and learn about and from one another, and the presenters were facilitators rather than lecturers. Engaging workshops like these make knowledge application in the classroom easier and more authentic.”

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