RBR Coast Guard Building Increased Capacity

May 7, 2023

“The Royal Bermuda Regiment Coast Guard is currently deeply engaged in building capacity,” Minister of National Security Michael Weeks said in the House of Assembly.

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Minister Weeks said, “The Royal Bermuda Regiment Coast Guard launched in February 2020 as a marine force for the protection and security of Bermuda’s inshore waters, including 24-hour Search and Rescue capability.

“The Royal Bermuda Regiment Coast Guard is currently deeply engaged in building capacity within the unit. Captain Jason Harrell was promoted to the role of Second in Command effective April 1, 2023. The filling of this role reduces the risk of having a single point of failure in respect of leadership, command, and access to institutional knowledge.

“Four additional posts of Boatswain’s Mate will be filled by June 5th and a further thirteen part-time officers will be integrated into the Operational Support Diving section, three of whom are Advanced Open Water Divers.

“Notably of the thirteen part-time officers, seven are Bermuda Police Officers, evidencing the continued multi-agency partnership required for a strong and effective Coast Guard unit.”

The Minister’s full statement follows below:

Mr. Speaker, I rise today to provide an update on the strengthening of the Royal Bermuda Regiment Coast Guard.

Mr. Speaker, Honourable members will know the Royal Bermuda Regiment Coast Guard launched in February 2020 as a marine force for the protection and security of Bermuda’s inshore waters, including 24-hour Search and Rescue capability.

Mr. Speaker, while maritime security is a cross-government activity, the Royal Bermuda Regiment continues to progress the operational capability via training, international assurance assessments, self-sustaining maintenance practices and routine operations.

Mr. Speaker, the Royal Bermuda Regiment Coast Guard is currently deeply engaged in building capacity within the unit. Captain Jason Harrell was promoted to the role of Second in Command effective April 1, 2023. The filling of this role reduces the risk of having a single point of failure in respect of leadership, command, and access to institutional knowledge.

Mr. Speaker, four additional posts of Boatswain’s Mate will be filled by June 5th and a further thirteen part-time officers will be integrated into the Operational Support Diving section, three of whom are Advanced Open Water Divers.

Mr. Speaker, notably of the thirteen part-time officers, seven are Bermuda Police Officers, evidencing the continued multi-agency partnership required for a strong and effective Coast Guard unit.

Mr. Speaker, the Royal Bermuda Regiment Coast Guard continues to evolve its engagement with the Blue Shield and has placed meaningful effort into expanding its operational footprint outward within the EEZ. To this end there is a continued focus on training and acquisition of modern equipment. Specifically, the team recently completed online training for UK Overseas Territory staff under the Blue Belt and Blue Belt Ocean Shield programmes. This fisheries enforcement training was accessed through the UK Marine Management Organization Learning Management System.

Further Mr. Speaker, as with the land element of the Royal Bermuda Regiment, the Coast Guard engages in monthly training exercises, often with members of the international maritime community. Also, the Coast Guard engages in daily briefings on the Bermuda EEZ fishing vessel situational awareness with the United States Coast Guard 5th District and the Marine Management Organization.

Mr. Speaker, officers continue to work towards certifications via participation in Royal Yachting Association courses. Between 2022 and 2023 officers successfully completed Royal Yachting Association Courses at both the individual and advanced instructor levels.

In January, Operation Support Divers undertook training in Special Response Dive Physiology and Search Techniques with divers becoming Rescue Diver certified.

Mr. Speaker, our aim is to build a first class Coast Guard for the benefit of Bermuda hence the significant focus on training. Over the past year, training has been robust and far reaching, supplemental training events and activities during the period include:

  • i] Attendance at the Maritime Security Conference in Miami;
  • ii] St. John’s Health Care Provider re-certification;
  • iii] Multi-Agency Gold Incident Commander [Magic] Course;
  • iv] Oil Spill Training;
  • v] Deep Dive Wreck Penetration;
  • vi] Underwater Navigation, Body Bag Procedures, Search and Recovery; and
  • vii] Body Camera Training

Mr. Speaker, the Coast Guard is actively enhancing capability via the acquisition and upgrading of specialized tools and equipment. In March, body camera commissioning was completed and the standard operating procedures are currently being documented and finalized.

Further, an Automated Identification System was acquired and testing is in progress.

Mr. Speaker, a Vessel Management System is in the process of being installed on the Coast Guard vessels for trial. The Vessel Management Systems provides for automated protocols to support the management and maintenance of the unit’s vessels.

Mr. Speaker, the Royal Bermuda Regiment Coast Guard lends daily support in the enforcement of maritime law. The Unit conducts on vessel inspections on safety equipment, monitors – vessel registration, speed limits in no wake zones, impaired driving and responds to emergencies on the water. The Unit also undertakes regular day and night patrols of key fishing grounds and popular mooring locations as well as provides support for events on the water.

Finally, Mr. Speaker, the Royal Bermuda Regiment Coast Guard continues to work closely with and align with sister agencies to support the reduction of illicit activity via our waters.

Mr. Speaker, warmer weather brings increased maritime activity. Bermuda can be assured that our Coast Guard is well prepared and is growing in capacity and capability with a focus on standards, operations and a well-trained cadre of officers to monitor and protect our maritime environment and ensure the safety of all as we enjoy our summer season on, in and around Bermuda’s majestic water.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

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  1. puzzled says:

    Would love to see some photo’s of the vessels used and their warrants and authority.

  2. Joe Bloggs says:

    Whilst I am not against Bermuda having a coast guard, I am concerned that there is no cost estimate given for the ” four additional posts of Boatswain’s Mate … and a further thirteen part-time officers”.

  3. Triangle Drifter says:

    I have no problem with enlarging the CG as long as they are doing the job that they are supposed to be doing such as checking heavily loaded boats for PFDs & also checking boats not licensed, not insured, & not skippered by licensed captains for operating as pirating Island Boats.

    Too much of this is ignored & robs business from legally operating boats for hire. Prosecuting these offences involves some work & also requires the courts to give some meaningful penalties to discourage this activity.

    Worse, should something happen these boats, their owners, their skippers have no insurance & are liable for costs.

    The CG needs to be out late nights when booze cruises are sllowwly cruising by residential areas, music blasting away.

    Too much time is spent going after the low hanging fruit, such as the the little Whalers zipping in between the Necklace Islands, or people accelerating a few feet early when coming out of or going into a restricted speed area.

    The CG needs to earn it’s keep. Go after the serious offenders.