‘Moderate Interruption’ Of Services On Thursday

May 31, 2023

Due to a BPSU General Membership Meeting on Thursday [June 1] “there will likely be a moderate interruption of public services during this time” that may “impact BPSU services, for in-person, telephone and email services.”

A Government spokesperson said, “Tomorrow [June 1] from 12:00 pm to 3:00 pm, the Bermuda Public Services Union [BPSU] will hold a General Membership Meeting.

“As a result, there will likely be a moderate interruption of public services during this time. The disruption will only impact BPSU services, for in-person, telephone and email services.

“These services will resume following the conclusion of the meeting.”

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  1. puzzled says:

    The BIU have to interupt everything, every week , every year.
    And they all get paid.

  2. comfortably numb says:

    Ever hear of private sector businesses like gas stations, restaurants, grocery stores, restaurants interrupting service from 12:00 to 3:00? No, me neither, and government workers wonder why the general public hold them in such disdain.