Minister Congratulates Successful Participants

June 17, 2023

“Today I would like to report on the successful training of another forty young Bermudians within the Horticultural industry through the partnership between the Skills Development Programme, the Department of Parks and the Kingston Maurward College,” Minister of Public Works Lt/Col David Burch said in the House of Assembly on Friday [June 16].

The Minister said, “These participants were from various organizations across the island including the Department of Parks; the Corporation of Hamilton; WEDCO; Coral Beach Club; the Department of Youth, Sport and Recreation; Port Royal and Ocean View Golf Courses, and the Palm Grove Gardens.

“Each of the successful participants received a certificate from Kingston Maurward College for completing the training – which ranged from the basic horticultural and arboriculture to advanced. With this certification, it is anticipated that these individuals’ opportunities for educational scholarships and/or employment will increase.

“I must congratulate this year’s participants which saw a 100% completion rate and special kudos must be given to the trainees who won the “Most Outstanding” awards. These individuals being: Mr. Kadre Jacobs, Mr. Canaan Tucker, Mr. Desta Wilson, Mr. Gladstone Butterfield, Mr. Oscar Riley and Mr. Seth Pearman.”

The Minister’s full statement follows below:

Mr. Speaker, today I would like to report on the successful training of another forty [40] young Bermudians within the Horticultural industry through the partnership between the Skills Development Programme, the Department of Parks and The Kingston Maurward College.

Mr. Speaker, in July last year – I provided details of a similar week-long training regime that is intended to enhance the skills of participants in the areas of horticulture and arboriculture. The Horticulture training included focus on propagation; plant identification; soil science and testing; pest and diseases; cultivation; bed preparation; planting, pruning; and risk assessment. The Arboriculture training included focus on operation, repair and maintenance of chain saws; cross cutting; tree biology; risk assessment; felling of trees; tree pruning; and first-aid.

Last year thirty-five [35] young Bermudians took part in this training programme. Mr. Speaker, this year saw forty [40] young Bermudians taking part. These participants were from various organizations across the island including the Department of Parks; the Corporation of Hamilton; WEDCO; Coral Beach Club; the Department of Youth, Sport and Recreation; Port Royal and Ocean View Golf Courses, and the Palm Grove Gardens.

Mr. Speaker, it should be noted that this year’s training was actually oversubscribed, so much so, that unfortunately there was a waiting list. We hope as the programme continues all interested parties will have the opportunity to engage in future courses.

Mr. Speaker, since 2015 the SDP has provided a safe environment to host ‘hands on’ training opportunities for young women and men in or interested in the Horticulture industry by empowering participants with life skills and enhance their opportunities to qualify for employment.

As mentioned in the July 2022 statement, the SDP Board began this partnership in 2019 with the Kingston Maurward College located in Dorset, England to develop and deliver a series of Training Programmes that will be conducted by expertly qualified staff from the school.

Mr. Speaker, as it can be inferred from this statement since 2019 – this Government has assisted in training seventy-five [75] young Bermudians so far to gain valuable skills for the Horticultural Industry.

Each of the successful participants received a certificate from Kingston Maurward College for completing the training – which ranged from the basic horticultural and arboriculture to advanced. With this certification, it is anticipated that these individuals’ opportunities for educational scholarships and/or employment will increase.

Mr. Speaker, I must congratulate this year’s participants which saw a 100% completion rate and special kudos must be given to the trainees who won the “Most Outstanding” awards. These individuals being: Mr. Kadre Jacobs, Mr. Canaan Tucker, Mr. Desta Wilson, Mr. Gladstone Butterfield, Mr. Oscar Riley and Mr. Seth Pearman.

Mr. Speaker, the trainers assessed all the participants and they will identify those who may be suitable for an 8 week customized training programme to be held at Kingston Maurward College in the future.

I would also like to thank the training team of Mr. James Colville and Ms. Steph Addison, from Kingston Maurward College who both travelled to our Island to share their expertise. Also, there were 2 local persons from the Department of Parks – Mr. Jimmy Harvey and Mr. Tracy Wright – who assisted the trainers while on Island.

Additionally Mr. Speaker, thank you to all of the technical officers within the Department of Parks for providing opportunities for those in the local horticulture industry to improve their skills.

Last but certainly not least Mr. Speaker, we have to give Mr. Roger Parris recognition as the lead of this programme. Without his tenacity and fundamental belief in giving young Bermudians the option to better their skills, this programme would not exist. Thank you Mr. Parris for all you have accomplished and this Government looks forward to seeing how your team will expand in the future.

Thank you Mr. Speaker.

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  1. LARRY Sticca says:

    Congradulations to those in Parks Dept. for their vision & support to get this much needed training going. Thanks to the overseas college partner to further the programme. Well done Team!