ABIR Sponsors Training On Personal Data Rules

July 5, 2023

The Association of Bermuda Insurers and Reinsurers [ABIR] is sponsoring a training event organized by the Office of the Privacy Commissioner [PrivCom] in conjunction with the Information Assurance for Small and Medium Enterprises [IASME] Consortium to help businesses on the island prepare to comply with new rules on the use of personal data.

A spokesperson said, “IASME, a United Kingdom-based organisation that has developed governance standards relating to cyber security and assurance, is working with PrivCom to develop a Bermuda-specific component of its Cyber Assurance and Privacy standard. The aim is to give local businesses a framework to comply with the Personal Information Protection Act [PIPA], which is due to take effect in 2025.

“Individuals interested in becoming assessors of certification standards in Bermuda will attend the two training sessions, conducted by Peter Loomes, IASME’s Head of Training, on July 10-11 at O’Hara House and July 12-13 at Convex Re, venues sponsored by ABIR. Places are still available for the July 10-11 session.”

Suaznne Williams-Charles, Director of Policy & Regulation at ABIR, said: “ABIR is proud to sponsor the Office of the Privacy Commissioner in its partnership with the IASME Consortium in an initiative that will help Bermuda companies, both large and small, prepare to comply with PIPA when it takes effect.

“Implementation of world-class standards and best practices in data privacy and cybersecurity is of great importance, not only to our global re/insurance industry, but also to all Bermudians.”

The spokesperson said, “ABIR, through the ABIR Data and Privacy Taskforce [ADAPT], has worked closely with PrivCom, to facilitate implementation of PIPA, which sets out how Bermuda-based organisations should handle personal data to protect the rights of Bermudians and compliantly operate in global markets.

“Shannon Dyer, Bermuda Counsel for Convex Re Limited., has been appointed the new chair of ADAPT, succeeding Jim Paugh, General Counsel of Arch Reinsurance Ltd., who oversaw the taskforce from its inception in 2020.

“Senior privacy officers from each of ABIR’s member companies participate on the taskforce, which is staffed by Suzanne Williams-Charles, ABIR’s Director of Policy and Regulation, Corporate Secretary and Data Privacy Officer.

“ADAPT has provided a two-way communication channel between the Privacy Commissioner and key stakeholder groups, and a forum for addressing unique industry issues related to data protection, including the likely impact of PIPA.

“Dyer is a UK and Bermuda qualified lawyer with over 12 years’ legal experience specializing in all aspects of insurance and reinsurance law, regulation, and compliance. Prior to joining Convex, he held senior positions for two offshore law firms in Hong Kong and Bermuda, and also worked at the Bermuda Monetary Authority as in-house counsel within its insurance supervisory team.”

Dyer said. “I look forward to building on the foundations Jim put in place and to leading ADAPT as it works in support of the Office of the Privacy Commissioner and implementation of PIPA in 2025.”

Alexander White, Bermuda’s Privacy Commissioner, said: “We are grateful for ABIR’s continuing support. This project will help to strengthen the privacy and cybersecurity readiness of Bermuda organizations. IASME is recognized for its work in the UK, building a certification framework that makes the process of reaching cybersecurity maturity easier for businesses of all sizes.”

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