Bermuda Not Included In Top Islands List

July 24, 2023

[Written by Don Burgess]

For the first time in eight years, Bermuda failed to make Travel & Leisure’s Top 25 Islands list for the region.

Dominica was declared the winner of T & L’s The 25 Best Islands in the Caribbean, Bermuda, and the Bahamas with a score of 93.66.

Islands were rated on five categories: Natural attractions and beaches, Activities and sights, restaurants and food, people and friendliness, and overall value.

The last island on the top 25 list was St. Kitts, rated 82.44.

Last year, Bermuda had a rating of 85.45, which would have put us 16th this year if it had been rated that highly again.

Bermuda’s ranking and scores over the past eight years:

  • 2023 NR below 82.44*
  • 2022 17th 85.45
  • 2021 11th 85.66
  • 2020 15th 82.92
  • 2019 13th 83.54
  • 2018 8th 82.52
  • 2017 7th 84.10
  • 2016 7th 83.18

*Bernews contacted the press office for Travel & Leisure several times last week to find out what Bermuda’s ranking was, but it did not respond with an answer.

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Comments (11)

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  1. sandgrownan says:

    “..people and friendliness, and overall value…”

    And there you have it.

  2. Ringmaster says:

    7th in 2016 and 2017 then downhill fast after that. Did something take place in 2017 to make Bermuda so unloved?

    • Micro says:

      Quite interesting, isn’t it? It was quite a night and day change in interest in the island.

      • sandgrownan says:

        Well, you had the PLP running around telling everyone they didn’t want wealthy white tourists. Add to that the PLP getting their sticky fingers firmly back in the tourism pot.

        And then, just the utter sheer incompetence.

  3. Joe Bloggs says:

    Seriously? We no lag behind Dominica and the Bahamas?

  4. Question says:

    And don’t forget the TA form that everyone hated. I wonder how many $millions of tourist income that cost us. And we all know why, don’t we, Burt.

  5. trufth says:

    Dear Bermuda,

    You are not special.

    The rest of the World

    • sandgrownan says:

      And that hits the nail on the head. Bermudians have such a “so far up themselves our sh*t don’t stink” mentality.

      Successful tourism requires hard work and good service. Neither are available here.

      • Joe Bloggs says:

        “Successful tourism requires hard work and good service. Neither are available here.”

        That depends on what you mean by “good service”. I have had excellent service at several local hotels and many local restaurants.

        • sandgrownan says:

          Oh, I’m sure it exists, but it’s not the norm nor is it consistent. Try getting a cab lately? Or a bus?

          • Joe Bloggs says:

            I take you point about buses and taxis.

            I called a taxi to take me to dinner on Saturday March 25th. I am still waiting for it to arrive.