Minister Updates On CCTV Network Upgrade

July 14, 2023

Digicel Bermuda was awarded the contract to upgrade the CCTV Network, the “upgrade is expected to take less than 25 weeks and the “247 new cameras include Facial and License Plate Recognition, PTZ [Pan/Tilt/Zoom], Multisensory, and Varifocal,” Minister of National Security Michael Weeks said.

Speaking in the House of Assembly today [July 14] the Minister said, “Digicel Bermuda was awarded the contract to upgrade the CCTV Network and provide a managed maintenance service plan at a total cost of $4,047,440.00.

“Mr. Speaker, the cost is broken down into two parts:

  • 1. Total Equipment and Installation Value is $1,035,500.00; and
  • 2. A five [5] year Managed Maintenance Services plan valued at $602,388 annually for a total of $3,011,940.

“The upgrade is expected to take less than 25 weeks. The CCTV Network will have a soft rollout over the Cup Match holiday and will be fully operational before the Christmas holiday period.

“The new CCTV Network will have the added resilience of running on Digicel’s fibre and LTE networks. The 247 new cameras include Facial and License Plate Recognition, PTZ [Pan/Tilt/Zoom], Multisensory, and Varifocal. Mr. Speaker, a single multisensory camera has four fully functional cameras in one and can cover a larger area whilst maintaining clarity.

“The new CCTV Network offers higher resolution and expanded coverage. It also gives the Bermuda Police Services [BPS] an opportunity to incorporate state-of-the-art technology to assist in tackling violent crime in Bermuda. The primary objective of this project is to improve the security and surveillance capabilities of the BPS. This will be achieved by implementing advanced surveillance technology that aims to increase the BPS’s ability to monitor and respond to potential security threats, as well as enhance our forensic capabilities.”

The Minister’s full statement follows below:

Mr. Speaker, I rise today to provide this Honourable House and the public with an update on the upgrade of the island’s Closed-Circuit Television [CCTV] Network.

Mr. Speaker, Honourable Members may be aware that in 1999, the first public CCTV system was implemented in Bermuda. In 2014, the CCTV network was upgraded to incorporate island-wide coverage at a cost of $3,910,737.91, plus a five [5] year managed maintenance contract that cost $2,525,600.40.

Mr. Speaker, Honourable Members may also recall in February 2022 that this Government committed a one [1] million-dollar boost to upgrade the island’s CCTV Network as promised in the 2021 speech from the Throne.

Mr. Speaker, today I would like to announce that Digicel Bermuda was awarded the contract to upgrade the CCTV Network and provide a managed maintenance service plan at a total cost of $4,047,440.00.

Mr. Speaker, the cost is broken down into two parts:

  • 1. Total Equipment and Installation Value is $1,035,500.00; and
  • 2. A five [5] year Managed Maintenance Services plan valued at $602,388 annually for a total of $3,011,940.

Digicel Bermuda has a 135-year history of doing business in Bermuda dating back to the Bermuda Telephone Company [BTC]. Mr. Speaker, Digicel Bermuda also has 20 years of experience delivering successfully managed and deployed CCTV solutions on several different Government and Emergency Services Projects in Trinidad, Dominica, Antigua, Curacao, St Lucia, El Salvador, and the Turks and Caicos.

Mr. Speaker, I am happy to report that the agreements were signed on 5th July 2023 and an initial payment was made on 7th July 2023 to secure the equipment for the project. During, the negotiations process, Digicel Bermuda commenced the new fibre installation and to date has completed 37 of the 132 site locations.

Mr. Speaker, the upgrade is expected to take less than 25 weeks. The CCTV Network will have a soft rollout over the Cup Match holiday and will be fully operational before the Christmas holiday period.

Mr. Speaker, the new CCTV Network will have the added resilience of running on Digicel’s fibre and LTE networks. The 247 new cameras include Facial and License Plate Recognition, PTZ [Pan/Tilt/Zoom], Multisensory, and Varifocal. Mr. Speaker, a single multisensory camera has four fully functional cameras in one and can cover a larger area whilst maintaining clarity.

Mr. Speaker, the new cameras are perfect for video monitoring applications where lots of detail is needed. Additionally, the new CCTV Network will have all the necessary software to manage the new cameras, and will also include a video management system, and brief cam analytics. Mr. Speaker, the Command, Control, and Communications Center will be composed of a control room with Monitoring Stations and a Video Wall with a Communications Cabinet.

Mr. Speaker, the new CCTV Network offers higher resolution and expanded coverage. It also gives the Bermuda Police Services [BPS] an opportunity to incorporate state-of-the-art technology to assist in tackling violent crime in Bermuda. The primary objective of this project is to improve the security and surveillance capabilities of the BPS. This will be achieved by implementing advanced surveillance technology that aims to increase the BPS’s ability to monitor and respond to potential security threats, as well as enhance our forensic capabilities.

Mr. Speaker, it is important to note that the new network has the potential to have software features added on to it that can tackle road traffic offences. As we finalize the next steps for speed/red light detection, I will provide further updates to this Honourable House.

Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to advise that the Ministry of National Security and the BPS worked diligently with the Department of Information and Digital Technologies, the Attorney General’s Chambers, the Office of Project Management and Procurement, and the Ministry of Finance to ensure that this offer achieved best value and also met all of the requirements for the Government and the people of Bermuda.

Mr. Speaker, I would like to thank the team for their work on this phase of the initiative.

Mr. Speaker, we have delivered on the promise made to upgrade the island’s CCTV Network. As I stated previously, we will build on the new CCTV Network as a part of our commitment at the Ministry of National Security to meet our mission of “Working together to keep you safe”.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

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