Argus Insurance Supports Woman’s Dental Work

July 1, 2023

One woman’s journey “from hardship to hope” has been transformed with the support of Argus Insurance.

A spokesperson said, “In a heartwarming tale of resilience and gratitude, one woman’s journey from hardship to hope has been transformed with the generous support of Argus Insurance. Having faced numerous challenges, including trauma, loss, abandonment, neglect, homelessness, and battling mental health issues, losing several teeth seemed to be yet another life obstacle that she would have to endure for the foreseeable future.

“Now, thanks to Argus Insurance, with her new smile that reflects her indomitable spirit, she shares her inspiring story of triumph and encourages others to never lose hope.

“From a young age, Althea Iris’ life was marked by difficulties. After being adopted at the tender age of two, she faced a constant struggle of not having her basic needs met in addition to grappling with generational trauma. As she grew older, the weight of societal expectations to conform to ‘normal’ behaviour proved to be a daunting obstacle as she battled her own bouts of depression in the absence of formal mental health treatment.

“Althea endured numerous setbacks, including the loss of her husband and the tragic death of her son; fateful events that, compiled with her mental health challenges, made it incredibly difficult to secure stable employment, ultimately leading to her final eviction in March of 2022.

“However, her life took a significant turn when she sought help at Dignity House, Bermuda’s only private residential mental health rehabilitation facility, where she received a life-changing diagnosis of bipolar disorder and depression. This revelation marked a turning point on her path to recovery and self-discovery.

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“It was at Dignity House that Althea learned about the remarkable initiative undertaken by Argus Insurance to provide assistance with dental care to those in need, a revelation that would forever change her life. When she discovered that she had been chosen as a recipient of a generous donation from Argus Insurance for dentures, she was overwhelmed with a mix of emotions as a lifelong quest for healthy teeth had always taken a backseat to more pressing concerns, such as keeping a roof over her head.

“As you can imagine, the magnitude of this gift left her speechless and profoundly grateful.

“Navigating the process of receiving her new dentures was filled with anticipation and trepidation. However, her trust in the process and the support of those around her at Dignity House helped her to overcome moments of anxiety that would sometimes arise.

“Thankfully, the long wait soon became worthwhile when Althea finally received her dentures and was able to experience the transformative impact on her day-to-day life and overall well-being. Adjusting to having the dentures in her mouth and revelling in the simple joys such as smiling in church and eating with ease have brought Althea immeasurable joy and confidence.

“The support extended by Argus Insurance has made a significant difference in her journey of recovery and self-improvement. With a radiant smile that speaks volumes, she feels like a whole woman, comparing it to an amputee finally being fitted with a prosthetic limb. Having a confident smile has transformed not only her relationship with herself but also her interactions with others, as she seeks to advocate for peers in need of treatment and inspires those around her to embrace their own journeys of self-improvement as they find the strength to rebuild their lives day by day.

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“To Argus Insurance, Althea sends a heartfelt message of gratitude and appreciation for their unwavering support and generosity that has touched her life in ways that words can scarcely describe. She applauds their remarkable initiative and commends them for the seamless manner in which they made this life-changing opportunity possible.

“With an exuberant smile and a heart full of gratitude, she stands as a living testament to the power of compassion and the potential to transform lives through something as simple as a smile.

“Althea’s inspiring journey is just one of many stories that unfold within the doors of Dignity House, which has been a beacon of hope for countless individuals from many different walks of life, providing them with the support, guidance, and resources needed to rebuild their lives and lead a life worth living.

“If you would like to learn more about Dignity House and the services they offer for individuals seeking mental health and or substance misuse recovery, or you would like to know how you can make a difference in the lives of the brave individuals who are currently in treatment, please visit

“Together, we can continue to create a well community, as we seek to restore, improve, and empower those around us.”

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