‘Evolution Of Risk’ Is Theme Of 2024 Summit

December 14, 2023

The theme of the 2024 Bermuda Risk Summit, presented by the Bermuda Business Development Agency, in partnership with the Association of Bermuda Insurers and Reinsurers [ABIR] and EY, will be Evolution of Risk.

A spokesperson said, “Topics up for analysis during the Summit to be held at the Hamilton Princess & Beach Club from March 13-15, 2024, include – putting capital to work: a view from the top; risk revolution: a journey to becoming the world’s risk capital; and riding the digital wave: the role of AI in insurance evolution. An agenda is available online – members of the public are encouraged to register before the early bird rate of $395 expires after tomorrow, December 15.”

BDA CEO David Hart said, “The BDA looks forward to once again bringing together some of the world’s foremost experts to discuss how Bermuda’s globally significant risk market can help companies protect themselves against climate change, geopolitical uncertainties, cyber threats, and a growing list of new perils. For the last three years, the Bermuda Risk Summit has been strategically positioned in front of the mid-year renewal season, not only offering deal-making opportunities, but also the ability to hear firsthand from international regulators, investors, and rating agencies.”

The spokesperson said, “In addition to innovative content, registration includes keynote presentations, C-suite networking breaks and lunches, an opening reception sponsored by SS&C Technologies, and a Friday networking happy hour. The BDA is pleased to report that AM Best have recently come on board as gold sponsor, Kirkland & Ellis as silver sponsor, and Demotech as bronze sponsor. Other sponsorship opportunities are still available. Click here and e-mail bermudarisk@bda.bm if you wish to participate. We encourage our overseas delegates to click here and reserve hotel rooms online or call 1-441-295-3000, or the Global Reservations Centre on 1-800-441-1414, with the booking code: ‘Bermuda Risk Summit’ to take advantage of our preferred rate.

“The immediate economic impact of the 2023 Bermuda Risk Summit, which had a total of 450 attendees [over 150 from overseas] including lodging, transportation, food and beverage, retail and recreation was estimated at $1.8 million, and supported 266 jobs. Far more significant were the long-term economic benefits brought about by the approximately 100+ additional visitors who flew to Bermuda for business meetings during the week of the summit.

“Organising the BDA’s signature events aligns with the ‘Local and International Business Retention’ and ‘Business Attraction and Investment Promotion’ strategic priorities outlined in Bermuda’s Economic Development Strategy.”

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