Column: ‘Can’t Have Your Cake And Eat It Too’

February 19, 2024

Chris Famous Bermuda generic thumb[Opinion column written by: PLP MP Christopher Famous]

“You can’t have your cake and eat it [too] is a popular English idiomatic proverb or figure of speech. The proverb literally means “you cannot simultaneously retain possession of a cake and eat it, too”. – Wikipedia

For quite some time it has been known that Bermuda, as with most countries, has a low birthrate. This has led to the need for all countries to rethink their immigration policies in order to maintain or grow their working populations. Minister Jason Hayward is on record stating that Bermuda needs to grow our numbers by 8,500 persons over the next few years.

The salient questions then become:

  • A: What industries will create thousands of jobs?
  • B: Where will these people live?

At present, the only industries that will create a near instant demand for thousands of jobs would be the construction and operation of a number of hotels. There will then be the knock on effect of increased renovation and construction for residential units to house these persons. This then leads to an increase in retail and service jobs.

Sounds simple right? Not so quick.

For the last year there have been 3-5 planning applications submitted for several hotel developments.

  • Southampton Princess
  • Nautilus Hotel – West of Azura
  • Ariel Sands
  • Phoenix group submission next to Bermudiana Hotel

Most would be excited to actually see these developments come to fruition. Low and behold, we have witnessed a concerted effort to launch objections to each and everyone of these projects. Yes, there are those who seemingly do not want these projects to go ahead.

So, the question has to be asked.

How can we grow the working population, if there are constant organized objections to the numerous projects that will create thousands of needed jobs?

Simply put, “You can’t have your cake and eat it too.”

- Thomas Christopher Famous

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  1. Pa says:

    ” This country can have any thing it wants provided that it is prepsared to work for it.”
    ” Living in the past, you come last “.
    ” A man who works from 9 to 5 has nothing “.
    ” A man who works fro 9 to 9 has every thing “.
    ” Why do yo think that we were given two ears and one mouth”?
    “Empty vessels make the most noise”.
    “If you only put one hook on the line you may only catch one fish”.
    ” Bermuda needs to bait the hook ” .
    “People who have holes in their pockets have no money “.
    “Bermudians can’t spell is because they talk funny “.
    “Don’t put your hands in another mans pocket ‘.
    “The chickens come home to roost”.”.
    ” If you live in a glass house , you should not throw stones” .
    ” If you hate others you must hate you self “.
    ” It only take one match to start a forest fire. “.
    “If you want to put food on the table dig up all the golf courses and plant .
    “You have a choice a Ball or a Book “.
    “All play and no work makes a dull boy”
    ” Spare the rod and spoil the child”
    “Plumbers dont make good bankers”
    “There is no bread ,the people are hungry , So let them eat cake”.
    “The truth will set you free “.