Saltus Hosts Debating & Speaking Tournament

March 5, 2024

Saltus hosted the 14th Annual Bermuda Spring Debating & Public Speaking tournament at the St. John’s Campus from Thursday, 29th February to Saturday, 2nd March.

A spokesperson said, “Over 70 students participated in the three-day tournament in the various public speaking and debate categories from BHS, Saltus, Somersfield Academy, and Warwick Academy. For the debate portion of the tournament which ran on Saturday, there were a total of 19 teams competing.”

Commenting on this year’s event was Saltus representative, Christianna Dakin, “This event is a wonderful opportunity for students to explore public speaking and debate in its various forms and expand their communication skills in a competitive forum. The success of this event was dependent on the support of the Saltus and the wider Bermuda community including 90 parents, alumni, teachers, and students who supported judging and timekeeping. It is all for the benefit of all of the students and we couldn’t have done it without them.”

The spokesperson said, “The English Speaking Union [ESU] presented the grand prize of a roundtrip ticket to London to compete in this May’s ESU International Public Speaking Competition to the overall Senior Public Speaking winner, Hannah Taylor of BHS. Additionally, the Bermuda Debate Society provided logistics support as well as judging and training support for the debate portion on Saturday.

“Saltus and BHS will be co-hosting the International Independent Schools Public Speaking Competition [IISPSC] from 17th to 20th October 2024. This event involves approximately 45 international teams of students from high schools from around the world as well as here in Bermuda.

“Anyone interested in receiving more information about the IISPSC tournament in the fall should email or Christianna Dakin at or Jennifer Burland Adams at”

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