Meet Mark Hall Facilitator For Youth Activities

May 23, 2024 | 0 Comments

[Written by Shay-Dawn Burgess]

Chances are you have heard of Super Bowl- A religious retreat for teenagers that has been ongoing since 1991.

Who is the brainchild behind this exciting phenomenon? Meet Mr. Mark Hall who has overseen the Word of Life program since its inception in 1987. I asked Mr. Hall why he felt it was important to oversee this platform. He answered by saying, “Making salvation clear to teenagers in today’s culture is paramount. As a young person, I became a Christian, I did not feel there were allot of role models for the youth to look up to.” He went onto say that, “Staying motivated in creating clubs and camps; it is vital to give our children an opportunity to be able to participate in these activities. We must provide young people with alternatives who are trying to lead a Christian Life in our community.”

Mark Hall Bermuda May 2024

In discussing Super Bowl in Bermuda with Mr. Hall, he recalls how many have gravitated towards this event as it has allowed the young people to free up and just enjoy themselves by participating in playing games. It should be noted that this noteworthy event is chaperoned by many in the community who want young people to enjoy themselves in a none-threatening environment. Police and Police Reserves also there to help monitor this special annual experience. The St. John’s Ambulance is also on hand if an emergency occurs. So if you are a parent, you can rest assured that your children will be looked after by the many agencies that promote good and moral behaviors.

Mark Hall speaking at Camp Bermuda May 2024

I concluded our interview by asking Mr. Hall, if he feels there is a disconnect between some parents and their children? He responded by saying, “Due to the influx of social media in some households, young people can sometimes depend mentally on many types of social media.” Mr. Hall concluded the interview by saying, “That parents should continue to take every opportunity to bond with their children. Parents should remind their kids that they have value. And that they are unconditionally loved. The glass is half full. God is in control and he is doing more that we think he is.”

If you are interested in having your child attend Word of Life or any related activity, please contact Managing Director, Mr. Hall at 441- 232-9673.

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