Rotary Clubs Of Bermuda Host Day of Service

May 20, 2024 | 0 Comments

The Rotary Clubs of Bermuda, in collaboration with Keep Bermuda Beautiful [KBB], conducted their Rotary EPIC Day of Service on Saturday, May 18th.

A spokesperson said, “The Rotary Clubs of Bermuda partnered with KBB and invited past and present Rotarians, public and private school students, friends of KBB and Friends of Rotary to their Rotary EPIC Day of Service on Saturday, May 18th at Riddell’s Bay and at the Transformational Living Center [TLC]. The Youth Service arm of Rotary, Interact Club members, who range from 12 to 18 years old, from the MSA Academy and the Hamilton Interact Club were also actively involved in the day of service.

“Saturday’s event at Riddell’s Bay focused on the execution of a coastal and community clean-up of that area, which kept volunteers actively engaged collecting over 3,200 pounds of roadside litter, illegal dumping, and ocean pollution from that area. The Riddell’s Bay area was selected due to the extensive presence of mangroves throughout the area and the Rotary Clubs of Bermuda’s continued efforts to restore mangroves across Bermuda due to their strong ecological benefits. The event was also an extension of the joint efforts of the four [4] local Rotary clubs to restore mangroves at the Lagoon Park, an initiative commenced in November 2022.

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“In addition to the participation of the four Rotary Clubs of Bermuda, the event saw the enthusiastic participation of student volunteers from the Dalton E. Tucker, West End Primary Schools, Dellwood, Sandys Secondary, Whitney Institute, Middle School, Mount Saint Agnes Academy, and Warwick Academy Middle and Secondary Schools along with The Berkeley Institute and Cedar Bridge Academy and several adult community spirited volunteers.

“Teachers from several of the schools also joined in the clean-up which made for a very community spirited feel to the day of service. Two retired Principals from Elliot Primary also participated in the clean-up to show solidarity and to mark the 175th Anniversary activities of the school, which is well known for its environmental stewardship.

“The cleanup culminated in an Awards Presentation to two Rotary Interact Advisors from MSA Academy [Mrs. Rondelle Richardson and Mrs. Doreen Palmer] and a barbecue lunch as tokens of appreciation for the phenomenal support Interact advisors provide to Interact clubs and a token of appreciation to the participants of the clean-up.

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“While the EPIC Day of Service event at Riddell’s Bay focused on the environment, which is a key Area of Focus for Rotary. At the Transformational Living Center, a second day of Service project focusing on the family, social services and mental well-being was undertaken, as Rotarians successfully constructed a playground set and basketball set at that venue for the use of the center’s residents. Current Rotary International President Gordon R. McInally has strongly advocated for Rotary clubs to help support the mental well-being of persons in the communities in which they serve.

“The Transformational Living Centre [TLC] provides a nurturing, supportive and safe residence for homeless families and those experiences housing insecurity. The construction of the playground set was considered as a great means to ensure that the center’s residents can better enjoy the outdoor space and take part in recreation. Moreover, as taking part in recreational activities and being outdoors are proven means of maintaining one’s mental wellness, the project lent support to the vision of the Rotary International’s President as well as the needs of the residents of Transformational Living Centre.

“The Rotary EPIC Day of Service was held as part of the Rotary District 7230′s initiative encouraging Rotarians in Bermuda and New York to undertake meaningful projects on May 18th to demonstrate the connection between the two geographical areas and the impact of community service projects. District 7230 consists of Rotary Clubs in Bermuda and NYC.

“Rotary is an organization of over 1.4 billion members. Its motto is Service Above Self. There are currently 4 Rotary Clubs in Bermuda. To join their membership or to learn more about Rotary and how you can help make an impact through Rotary service, please visit them on Instagram @ hope_rcbda or email

“The Rotary Clubs of Bermuda take this opportunity to thank KBB for their partnership in this event, as well as, to thank the numerous volunteers who participated in the EPIC Day of Service.”

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