Six Cars Reported Stolen, All Recovered

May 22, 2024 | 2 Comments

From March until May, the police received “six reports of six different cars being stolen from outside six separate homes” and “in each case, the vehicle was left parked with the keys inside and later recovered at a different location, intact.”

A police spokesperson said, “During 1st March 2024 until 22nd May 2024, the Bermuda Police Service [BPS] received six reports of six different cars being stolen from outside six separate homes.

“In each case, the vehicle was left parked with the keys inside and later recovered at a different location, intact.

“While such incidents remain uncommon and are mostly preventable, this recent increase is cause for a renewed public advisory.

“As a result, residents are once again urged to be vigilant about how they park and lock their cars. Some practical advice:

Park in visible, well-lit areas, if possible

“Ideally, cars should be parked somewhere that is easily visible, day or night.

Always lock unattended vehicles

“Make it a habit to lock your vehicle if you’re going to be away from it for any period of time – especially overnight – even if it’s just parked outside your home.

“Also, all windows and the sun roof, if the vehicle has one, should be closed. And please, remember to take the keys with you.

Take valuables with you, or secure them out of sight

“Any personal items left visible in an unattended parked car emboldens an opportunistic thief. Instead, take them with you, or secure them out of sight, in the trunk/boot.

Report stolen vehicles promptly

“As always, members of the public are encouraged to report stolen vehicles immediately, by calling 211 – providing as much information as possible. Alternatively, stolen vehicles can be reported through the BPS online community reporting portal at”

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  1. Thieves are not bermudian, they hate Bermuda says:

    The laws should be immediately ammended and updated to have much, much harsher penalties for vehicle thefts. These thieves and gangsters are too brazen and don’t fear reprecussions. They should be made to lose their own vehicle license for a minimum of 20 years, pay back all damages and costs, and mandatory jailtime of at least 5 years for a bike, 8 years for a car, and they should be forced to wear tracking bracelets for 10 years after potential release pending approval by a board reviewing their behavior in prison. If they violate their 10 year period they go back jail for another mandatory 5 years.
    Their faces should be publicized in news so the public can know who they are and avoid them.

  2. Hilarious! says:

    Sounds like a gang initiation – steal a car, joyride, and walk away.

    Naturally, the BPS went back to the CCTV video and tracked the cars being driven around the island, right? Opps – zero for six!

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