Swan’s Running Club Donates To Open Airways

May 10, 2024 | 0 Comments

Swan’s Running Club concluded its 7th season of the Legends running series with a charitable donation of $5000 to Open Airways.

A spokesperson said, “The 7th season of the Swan’s Legends running series finished last week with many winners! The Swan’s Legends running series consists of 4 races, each named after a Bermuda running legend. Ed Sherlock, Ray Swan, Ludwig Cann and Sir Stanley Burgess were all renowned runners of their time and have been the encouragement and inspiration for many runners today.

“The proceeds from the series [$5000] has been donated to Open Airways, a local Bermuda charity who helps those whose lives are affected by with asthma and COPD. This donation is especially relevant as everyone, even those with asthma, should be able to enjoy exercise.

Marla Smith – Swan’s Running Club Secretary, Mary Ellen Ewles – Open Airways Executive Director.

Swan’s Legends Running Series Donates $5000 to Open Airways Charity

“Such is the case with Swan’s Running Club’s Secretary Marla Smith, who was diagnosed with asthma at an early age. Marla learned early in life how to properly manage her asthma and because of this has run many marathons around the world. She enjoys and continues to run on a regular basis.

“Open Airways wishes to thank the management and runners for their generosity. The funds will go towards the education of individuals, the community and health care professionals. Open Airways encourages anyone who has asthma to contact them to learn the best treatments and management, so that they too can reach their goals and enjoy sports. In Bermuda it is estimated that 1 in 10 adults have asthma [1 in 5 children]. Consultations are free [no referral needed] Contact: 536-6060 or nurse@openairways.com.

“The next big event on the road running calendar is the annual Bermuda Half Marathon Derby race where it is expected we will see over 1,000 runners participate. Good luck to all!”

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