Family Celebrates ‘Miracle Twins’ Graduation

June 23, 2024 | 1 Comment

Ryan and Edonna Bean expressed gratitude as their twins, Emyr and Esai, graduated from Port Royal Primary School.

Ryan and Edonna Bean said, “As parents of Emyr and Esai, we are overwhelmed with gratitude and joy as we share this milestone with our community. Against all odds, our beloved twins, affectionately known as Bermuda’s Miracle Twins, are now 10 years old and participating in their leaving ceremony from Port Royal Primary School. This moment is a testament to their strength, resilience, and the unwavering support of our incredible community.

Emyr and Esai Bean Bermuda June 2024

“From the very beginning, Emyr and Esai’s journey was fraught with challenges. Their start was frail and uncertain, but the love, prayers, and support from all of you have been a constant source of strength for our family. Today, as we watch them drying off their wings and getting ready to soar, we are filled with immense pride and joy. It hasn’t always been easy, but seeing them stand tall today has made every hardship worth it.

“To all those graduating alongside Emyr and Esai, we extend our heartfelt congratulations. Remember, no matter how difficult the journey may seem, with perseverance and the support of those around you, anything is possible. Keep believing in yourselves, and never stop reaching for the stars.”

Emyr and Esai expressed their heartfelt thanks, saying: ‘We are so grateful for everyone who has helped us along the way. Your kindness and support have meant everything to us, and we will never forget it.’

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  1. Lion Paw says:

    Fly high young man. Fly high

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