SPS Delivers Over $31,000 In School Supplies
Support Public Schools, Bermuda [SPS.bm] has delivered more than $31,000 worth of school supplies as well as various other educational items to 16 public primary schools.
A spokesperson said, “On January 21st and 22nd The SPS.bm team will deliver $31,085 worth of new school supplies thanks to the generous contributions of supporters. In addition, companies and individuals donated a significant number of new and quality used items including 10 cases of printer paper from the BMA and Phoenix Re, 75 reams of yellow paper from the BAC Group, 50 computer monitors, keyboards and printers from Orbis, Boston Re and Teneo, binders, hanging folders, 300 tote bags from Athene Re, 60 office chairs from Teneo, a tub of brand new school supplies from Legal & General Re, paints, office supplies from Meritus, sporting equipment, books and more.
“Since SPS was founded in 2018, approximately $600,000 worth of new school supplies has been purchased by SPS supporters for public school classrooms. In addition, hundreds of thousands of dollars’ worth of second-hand office and school supplies, including computers, furniture, sports apparel, books and games have been donated to all public primary schools.
“Butterfield has been the most generous supporter of SPS.bm since inception, this year contributing $10,000 to help address public school teachers’ wish lists for supplies.”
Jody Feldman, Butterfield’s Managing Director in Bermuda said: “We are proud to play our part in purchasing necessary supplies to help enrich the learning experience in Bermuda’s schools. Having worked with the Support Public Schools team since the beginning, we have seen the positive impact these contributions have had for students and teachers alike. We remain committed to investing in the future of our community and empowering our young people to thrive.”
Repeat supporter, the Green Family, once again contributed $5,000 towards the latest supplies and a family spokesman said: “The Green Family supports a number of causes that are meaningful for us in the community, including the ‘Supporting Public Schools’ initiative. We are pleased to continue our commitment for a project that directly benefits Bermuda’s primary school students, through resources that can enhance learning and promote success in public school classrooms for the teachers and students.”
Butterfield & Vallis has also contributed $5,000 every year since inception and Takeysha Atwell, HR Strategist said: “Butterfield & Vallis has been a proud supporter of the Support Public Schools programme since 2021. By providing essential school supplies to public schools, we aim to ensure every child has the tools needed to thrive and enjoy the learning experience. We are honored to contribute to this impactful cause, knowing that these investments help cultivate beautiful minds and build a vibrant, empowered community.”
A spokesperson added, “In addition, Talcott Re liaised through SPS to donate to the Francis Patton Parent Teacher Association charity of $5,000 to purchase essential supplies, update classroom technology, and invest in mental health counselling. SPS also thanks Argus, Platinum and Philip Thorne for their generous purchases, as well as many others who have purchased smaller amounts of school supplies.
“Students and teachers are always extremely excited and thankful when the SPS.bm volunteer team arrives at their schools with supplies and look forward to the bi-annual donations, one Principal saying, “it’s like Christmas all over again.”.
Ms. Tamica Darrell, Acting Principal of Northlands Primary School said: “The students and staff of Northlands Primary School are deeply grateful to the Support Public Schools [SPS] organization for their unwavering biannual support, generously donating essential school supplies that make a lasting impact. These contributions play a vital role in enriching the learning experience and ensuring that every child has the tools they need to succeed academically. Beyond their generous donations, SPS goes above and beyond by organizing and notifying schools about additional donated items from companies and organizations as they become available, a truly remarkable and thoughtful effort.
“SPS’s dedication to addressing resource gaps aligns perfectly with our shared mission to empower students to focus on their education and dream big. We warmly encourage other organizations and community members to support initiatives like this, as they have a direct and meaningful impact on the lives of our children and help build a brighter future for everyone. Together, we can make a profound difference.”
SPS founder and main organiser, Ms. Juliana Snelling thanked all supporters stating: “Education is the best means to promoting socio-economic equality and positive educational outcomes – but not all schools are equal. Bermuda’s public school students don’t have access to the same resources as those at private schools; our mission at SPS.bm is to close that gap and provide essential resources for public school students to thrive and succeed in their educational endeavours. Our team is incredibly thankful for our long-standing and new supporters who generously purchase and donate essential supplies that we distribute to all Bermuda’s public primary schools.
“Our second-hand donations initiative has been incredibly successful this year with donations of computer equipment, printers, office chairs and supplies and more which have gone to all levels of public schools. From our humble beginning in 2018, and now celebrating our eighth year, we have managed to supply almost $600,000 of new supplies as well as hundreds of thousands of dollars’ worth of second-hand supplies which is a testament to the corporate and private individuals who believe in our mission and making a tangible difference in the lives of Bermuda’s public primary school children. On behalf of SPS and the public schools we benefit, I wish to express our huge appreciation to our supporters. Without their belief and support in enhancing a quality education for our public-school students, this project would not get off the ground and be sustainable each year.”
A spokesperson added, “The goal of SPS is to equip Bermuda’s public-school students with the instructional resources that they need to enhance learning in the classroom. Each year public school teachers provide SPS with “wish lists” of what will improve their classroom experience. This year the items included fidget chair bands, electric sharpeners, board games, STEM Kits, CDs for Listening Centers, wobble cushions, noise cancelling headphones, geometry sets, laminators, sand timers and more. Supporters can respond to the specific classroom need that inspires them. These items are then made available for purchase at discounted prices by SPS’ two retail suppliers, AF Smith Ltd. and Phoenix Group Ltd. The stores then deliver the supplies directly to the classrooms free of charge on designated delivery days overseen by SPS.bm volunteers at least twice per year.
“Principals, teachers, and students then send thank-you letters describing how the supplies are helping to improve the classroom experience. Supporters can visit our website SPS.bm to read moving letters from principals, teachers and pupils who attest to how the SPS supplies are being put into amazing use.
“Donations are welcomed throughout the year. Supporters can make online purchases on the SPS.bm website with a credit card or make a bank transfer to AF Smith Ltd: BNTB A/C 20006060173876100 [Memo ref: SPS SUP003] or HSBC A/C 010715613001 [same memo]. Alternatively, they can purchase supplies themselves and drop them off to SPS at the address below. Second-hand good quality office and school supplies including computer equipment and furniture are also welcomed.
“SPS.bm is proud to have been selected as the 2024 Winner of the Meritus Foundation Award which recognizes community leaders helping people and planet and demonstrating values of passion, courage, humility and empathy.
“To learn more, visit the website SPS.bm or email SPSteam@sps.bm or tel. 296-8444 at Canterbury Law, a proud supporter of SPS.bm.”
While I laud the efforts of Ms. Snelling and her team I have to question why it is necessary? Easily available statistics reveal that more is spent on public students per capita than on private students. Much of this is due to the vast expense of the inefficient Department of Education filled with failed teachers. What is truly appalling is the huge gap in achievement between public and private school students. When was the last time public school examination results were published. I remember, back in the day, when two public schools, Warwick Academy and The Berkeley Institute were often outperforming the private schools when it came to external exam success. Look at those two schools today and decide which Board of Governors made the correct decision and go it alone.
I salute you for your courage to state reality and here is part two. This will never stop as we are becoming a welfare state. Why not state “we will support where we can, if there is measurable academic improvement and behaviour has improved.”Nah it looks good to show up with gifts but it is better to give an incentive so that the PTA support the Principal and teachers. Like the current lack of discipline and people are asking how did we get here. We are going to be asking the same question again like how did we get to breakfast and lunch programmes….? You reap what you sow. Plus that money could be used for refresher courses for students falling behind. I guess we can’t do that either because if the students do well… we have fewer homeless and unemployed so agencies will be upset because their employment would be threatened. Ouch. Yep I said it.
One might be forgiven for thinking that the rental income from the former T.N. Tatem Middle School and other former schools might have alleviated the financial woes of our Ministry of Education, but apparently not.
The Govt has saved a lot from he closure of that school and Clearwater and others. Joe, I was hoping you would produce the totals which helped to balance the budget. The independents and Opposition are so busy slinging mud at each other as compared to facts 1. Schools have closed money so is saved and that helped balance the budget along with the lack of 100 policemen and others in the civil service…..Come on….facts or do I have to tell you more. I will do the job Joe if you loan me some of your crayons.
“Joe, I was hoping you would produce the totals which helped to balance the budget”
I do not have that information. I was not aware that any member of public had access to such information.
Why are the donations always to Primary Schools…Middle schools have been needing support for years and
they have become the forgotten children when it is the most important time during their education…those years
when they get to try a little of everything in order to make decisions for their own futures.
The PLP Government has announced that it is closing all middle schools. I would have thought it better to benefit schools that will (hopefully) remain in existence.
There is a God. You got it right.