Peace Collective To Hold March For Palestine

June 19, 2024 | 8 Comments

The Peace Collective, alongside several organizations, announced a peaceful protest and march in Bermuda on June 22, 2024, in solidarity with Palestine, and have also launched an online petition calling on the Governor to use “diplomatic channels to support international efforts for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza.”

A spokesperson said, “The Peace Collective, along with Social Justice Bermuda, the Muslim Community of Bermuda, Progressive Minds, and Bermuda is Love, is organizing a Peaceful Protest and March in solidarity with Palestine on Saturday, June 22, 2024. This event is part of a global movement to raise awareness and call for an immediate and permanent humanitarian ceasefire, unimpeded aid to the Gaza Strip and an end to the occupation and bloodshed.

“The march will commence at 5 PM from the Cabinet Office on Front Street, proceed past the U.S. Consulate General, and culminate at the Arboretum for a gathering with speeches, music, and poetry. Participants are encouraged to bring water bottles, posters, signs and flags.”

Social Justice Bermuda stated, “Back in October 2023, Social Justice Bermuda joined other global social justice movements and human rights groups in calling for an immediate ceasefire to allow for humanitarian aid for civilians in Gaza. We stated, ‘We must be clear in calling this situation what it is: this is not a conflict, this is not a war, this is a genocide.”

“Now, over 250 days later, we have stood as witnesses to this horrific atrocity; over six months of war crimes and crimes against humanity perpetrated by the occupying Power; and over half a year of genocide waged by Israel against the Palestinian people in an ongoing Nakba.

“And, as we mark Bermuda’s National Heroes, we remember the strength of those who fought against oppressive forces and who refused to stay silent. We honour them by doing the same and continuing to call for a ceasefire,” Social Justice Bermuda added.

The spokesperson said, “At this time, we are calling for justice. A new report released by the UN, the independent human rights body, finds that Israel has committed several war crimes during their siege on Gaza. The report accuses Israel of using starvation as a method of warfare, forcible transfer and intentionally directing attacks against civilians. It calls on Israeli leaders to end attacks resulting in the killing and maiming of civilians in Gaza immediately, to end the siege, to implement a ceasefire and to pay reparations.

“The USA and the UK, which continue to be complicit and use taxpayer money to materially aid the occupation and genocide against the Palestinian people, should also be held accountable. As a British Territory Abroad, Bermuda is complicit in its silence. Bermuda, home to many freedom fighters, has a long legacy of being involved and impactful in global affairs and whilst we might be a small island, we are not powerless. We encourage the people of Bermuda to rise up and walk in the footsteps of these freedom fighters by speaking up against Israel’s ongoing assault on innocent lives, the continued war crimes and dismissal of international law.

“As a collective, we endorse the global Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions [BDS] movement to end international support for Israel’s oppression of Palestinians and pressure Israel to comply with international law.

“In this, we demand that the local companies involved divest out of their financial and material support to Israel and encourage individuals to use their consumer power through boycotting certain companies and take the time to look into their own activities and investments which may be complicit as well.

The Peace Collective Palestine March Bermuda June 2024

“We call upon all residents of Bermuda to join us in this peaceful march. Let us rise up for humanity and follow in the footsteps of Bermuda’s Heroes and freedom fighters. Let’s make our voices heard, and demand an end to the genocide and the occupation. Let us hold our government accountable. Together, we can make a difference and show our solidarity with the people of Palestine. For more information, please contact or visit”

Bermuda Is Love said they “strongly condemn Israel’s ongoing genocide and violations of human rights in Gaza. Every human being has inalienable rights to life, freedom, self-determination, and the right to access a certain standard of living to meet their basic needs. Bermuda Is Love stands in solidarity with the Palestinian people and calls for an immediate ceasefire and end to the genocide in Gaza.

A spokesperson for the Muslim Community of Bermuda said, “Whosoever killeth a human being for other than manslaughter or corruption in the earth, it shall be as if he had killed all mankind, and whoso saveth the life of one, it shall be as if he had saved the life of all mankind. Quran 5:32

“Life is precious no matter the faith, race or gender of a person, in Islam we are taught to see humanity as a single organism and thus it is imperative to stop injustice and suffering wherever we see it whether it is with our hands, mouths and at the very least within our hearts.

“What is going on in Palestine, Sudan, Hati, The Congo and other nations around the world is a matter of importance that we should all feel tied to. The mindset of what does not impact me will only silo your heart from the reality of a unified struggle, we must uplift one another and recognize our struggles as part of a wider system of oppression. It is up to us to change our habits, use our positions, and continue to learn to continue to change the status quo which has sought to keep us divided.

“We believe in sanctity of life and as the Prophet of God Muhammad Peace be Upon Him said in his final sermon: All mankind is from Adam and Eve, an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a White person has no superiority over a Black person nor does a Black person have any superiority over a White person except by piety and good action. So let us go forward in good and putting an end to the senseless violence which has been imposed on the innocent men women and children from Palestine to the world.”

Event details:

  • Date and Time: Saturday, June 22, 2024, starting at 5 PM
  • Starting Point: Cabinet Office, Front Street
  • Route: Marching past the U.S. Consulate General
  • Ending Point: The Arboretum, for a gathering with speeches, live music and more​​

About the Organizers:

  • Peace Collective: A diverse group of Bermuda residents dedicated to peace and justice, raising awareness about global human rights issues.
  • Social Justice Bermuda: A coalition focused on promoting social justice and equity within Bermuda.
  • Muslim Community of Bermuda: A religious community advocating for peace, justice, and humanitarian efforts.
  • Progressive Minds: An organization committed to progressive social change and human rights advocacy.
  • Bermuda Is Love: An organization that was started by a group of friends looking to encourage collaboration, education, activism, advocacy, and love for our community and the environment.

Petition: Click here.

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Comments (8)

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  1. Long Live Israel says:

    You have free speech, but to claim that Israel is committing genocide and to ignore what Palestine and Hamas has done, is not only ignorant, but offensive antisemitism. It is the same things that neo-nazis and nazis peddle in their propaganda campaigns. For Bermuda to entertain this blind concept is alarming and an insult.

    Palestinians voted for Hamas and Hamas won because majority of Palestinians voted them. The leaders of Hamas are famously on video proclaiming their charter of Hamas which says that all Jews should be eradicated.

    Hamas is a known terrorist organization.

    Many hostages are professing how civilian Palestinians were keeping them hostage in their homes.

    Hamas purposely admits and has been repeatedly busted on video for storing ammo and weapons and bombs in schools, homes, hospitals. Hamas leader was recently busted on audio for bragging and boasting how they use their own Palestinians as pawns to die.

    Hamas purposely built war tunnels under Gaza so they could use them for terrorism while in power. They used these very tunnels for this very purpose in this conflict.

    Hamas attacked Israel in October last year, unprovoked, torturing and killing over a thousand people. For anyone to claim Israel is not allowed to retaliate and erradicate their enemy, you are an antisemite.

    You anti-Israel people have fallen for nazi propaganda.

    Wake up. You are not woke, you are asleep. Antisemitism led to World War 2 and the Nazis. Bermuda helped fight to win the war against Nazi antisemitism. NOT for it to resurface at the hands of uneducated biased protesters.

    • Joe Bloggs says:

      I agree with most of what you say, but let’s not use the word “Nazi”. It is a word that has its own special meaning.

      The Muslim community and anyone else is perfectly entitled to a peaceful march to protest whatever they like.

      With that said, the following statement belies the true motives of those organising the protest.

      “In this, we demand that the local companies involved divest out of their financial and material support to Israel and encourage individuals to use their consumer power through boycotting certain companies and take the time to look into their own activities and investments which may be complicit as well.”

      There is no similar call in relation to Russia.

      And why is there no criticism of the Palestinians for starting the war they are now losing?

      • Question says:

        Hamas are indistinguishable from Nazis.

      • Truth says:

        “And why is there no criticism of the Palestinians for starting the war they are now losing?”

        You know the answer.

        • Joe Bloggs says:

          I can think of 2 obvious alternatives. First, people want the underdog to win. Second, antisemitism.

          I hope the former is the reason.

          • LOL - the real one says:

            The underdog. Hamas?
            You hope the terrorist organization whose stated goal is to commit genocide, and wipe the Jews off of the planet, wins?

            • Joe Bloggs says:

              No. I do NOT hope Hamas wins. I was simply stating the obvious (to me) explanations for anyone supporting Hamas in a war they started and have now lost.

          • Question says:

            Hamas is hardly the underdog.

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