Couple Found Guilty Of Breaking Regulations

July 25, 2024

[Written by Don Burgess]

Sophia Cannonier and Michael Watson say they will “absolutely” fight their Covid-19 regulations case all the way to the Privy Council if necessary.

Mr. Watson and Ms. Cannonier were found guilty of breaking three Covid regulations:

  • 1. Refusing to comply with a requirement as directed by a health officer;
  • 2. Failure to complete the Travel Authorization Form;
  • 3. Refused to comply with a requirement to quarantine as directed by a Health Officer before the end of their mandatory quarantine;

Additionally, Ms. Cannonier was found guilty of having unauthorised persons visit her in a place of quarantine on July 20th, 2021.

The pair argued that they have a natural immunity to Covid-19, having previously contracted it.

Ms. Cannonier told Bernews that before the judgment was rendered this morning [July 25], she “didn’t expect any more from the courts or the Bermuda Government. They have been this way all along.”

“The way it was handled. Even the way we have been waiting for this for three years. We have been waiting for the verdict for one year.”

She added: “We didn’t just do this for our only family; we did this for Bermuda; We did this for the world because we need to stand for truth. We need to stand for what is right. It really didn’t faze me. We’re in for the long haul; However long it takes to prove that this is nonsense.”

Ms. Cannonier said they would “absolutely” appeal this decision all the way to the Privy Council.

Mr. Watson said there have been cases similar to this in which the accused have won against governments. “We know that Bermuda, sometimes, is a little slow to catch up. We are in it for the long haul because we know we’re right. We know it’s not just us. There are people all over the world doing this in similar cases. We plan to stay the course, and that justice has not been served.”

The couple appreciates the support they have received from the public.

“This has been huge,” Mr. Watson said. “We have been incredibly supported and we wouldn’t have been able to do this with the support network behind us. We are very thankful for that. Equally, Sophia and I get approached on a daily basis by people on the street for having a voice. We’ve given a voice to these people who didn’t say anything or couldn’t say anything. A lot of people have been very thankful for that.”

Ms. Cannonier added that people are backing them worldwide and continue to watch what is happening. “Even though we are from a tiny place, we have the opportunity to make a huge difference. We are just staying the course. We are on the frontline. We are not backed into a corner.”

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