Minister Aims To Address Concerns At Westgate

July 24, 2024 | 2 Comments

“We are fully aware of the challenges within our correctional system and are committed to working collaboratively with all stakeholders to find viable solutions,” said Minister of National Security Michael Weeks.

A Government spokesperson said, “At the request of the Minister, the Treatment of Offenders Board [TOOB] met with the Westgate Inmate Committee [WIC] on 17 July 2024. The purpose of the meeting was to address concerns raised by the WIC on behalf of the general inmate population.

“The discussions were constructive and aimed at finding solutions to the issues highlighted by the inmates. Both parties acknowledged the importance of ensuring that the rights and well-being of prisoners are upheld while maintaining the security and order of the Westgate Correctional Facility.”

Minister Weeks expressed the Government’s commitment to addressing these concerns: “Open dialogue and transparency are crucial in this process, and we are willing to discuss the issues raised by prisoners to ensure their concerns are adequately addressed.”

The Government spokesperson stated, “Further meetings between the Treatment of Offenders Board and the Westgate Inmate Committee will be scheduled to continue addressing the matters raised.”

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  1. Hilarious says:

    And the issues are?????

    • Joe Bloggs says:

      The issues are “concerns raised by the WIC on behalf of the general inmate population”. It is right there in black and white. You cannot expect the PLP Government to make it any clearer.

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