Port Royal Golf Course’s 50th Anniversary

July 1, 2024 | 0 Comments

Port Royal Golf Course celebrated its 50th anniversary with a tournament on Saturday [June 29].

A spokesperson said, “On Saturday, June 29, Port Royal Golf Course finally got the chance to celebrate its 50 year historic milestone as a leading public sporting facility serving overseas visitors and local equally from all walks of life with the Minister of Tourism, Culture and Sport Owen Darrell opening the proceedings of the prize presentation having played 18 holes in the tournament.

“The celebration was spearheaded by Chairman of the Bermuda Government Consolidated Board of Trustees Kim Swan, Junior Minister of Tourism, Culture and Sport – a golf professional by trade who was a product of Port Royal when it opened in 1970. He was ably assisted by the team at Port Royal Golf Course. Chairman Swan acknowledged the support of the team who made the event happen on the day, especially Judy Scott, Andrew Trott Francis, Jayson Jackson, Steven Lambert Jr., Thomasinna Hassell, Ianthia Butler, Chris Gibbons, and their respective support teams, both on the day and in the lead up.

Judy Scott [Port Royal’s longest serving employee] Ianthia Butler [Trustee] and Ms. Thomasina Hassell [Director of Finance, Admin & HR]

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“Chairman Swan acknowledged divine heavenly providence at play with the advent of Port Royal and shared the social, economic, and political significance of the development of Port Royal Golf Course in 1970, which helped to usher Bermuda out of the doldrums of the overt rigid racial segregation of the 1960s and prior.

“Kim Swan also acknowledged the participation in this 50th anniversary celebration golf tournament of current Trustees, former Trustees and former staff members Deputy Chairman Vincent Hollinsid, Clement Talbot, Michael Emery, Neville Tyrrell, Denton Outerbridge, Peter James on behalf of Mrs Shirley James [the longest serving Chairman from 1983 to 1993], Dawn Simmons, Owen Darrell, Xavier James, Allan Desilva, Dalton Burgess Jr., Quinton Ming, Ianthia Butler, and Ms. Tione Darrell.

Glenda Todd – who started working at Port Royal starting in 1973 – is flanked by her golfing friends, including Katyna Rabain

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Living Legend Pioneer Staff Present

“It was also on the cards to recognize former staff members from the 1970s still with us today; unfortunately Betty Vincent [98 years old], the first bookkeeper, Glen Tucker, who worked for the Office of the Government Auditor [who actually audited Port Royal in the 1970s] were unavailable on the day. However Chairman Swan acknowledged that Mrs Betty Vincent provided him with his first golf clubs and thanked Glen Tucker through former Government Auditor, now Government Minister, Vance Campbell, who also audited Government Golf Courses in the 1980s.

“Chairman Swan proudly revealed that Minister Campbell was his first Auditor when he presided as general manager and golf professional of a government golf course quango from 1985 to 1993.

Shirley James Era

“The 50th anniversary tournament organizers had hoped the longest serving Chairperson Mrs Shirley James would have been able to join the reception/prize presentation, but were pleased that her son Peter – an avid golfer – participated and joined in the fellowship. Mrs James served over 20 years as Trustee and presided over an advisory committee between the three separate government golf course guanos, the precursor that ushered in the Consolidated Golf Course Board of Trustees.

Former Port Royal employee Lydia Moniz from Rose Hill, Southampton who started at Port Royal Golf Course in June of 1970

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“With the presence and acknowledgement of a former auditor Minister Vance Campbell, Chairman Kim Swan singled out the work of Ms. Thomasinna Hassell, Director of Finance, Administration and Human Resources who, in two years, has diligently prosecuted the objective of the Bermuda Government Trustees. While acknowledging the good relationship that we enjoy with our Ministry of Public Works, headed up by our Minister Lt. Colonel David Burch and newly appointed Permanent Secretary Kirk Outerbridge, Chairman Swan heralded the stellar work of Ms. Hassell, who has implemented proper management procedures to ensure the government quango operates utilising best practices in accordance with financial instructions.

“Chairman Swan acknowledges that his administration identified significant deficiencies and thanked Ms. Hassell and her team for spearheading the transformation necessary to lead the organization on a clear and imminent path towards becoming financially compliant having inherited a structure which required an overhaul to get caught up with financial reporting, proper controls, up to date audits become commonplace and to ensure a proper work environment to capitalize on the financial opportunities this government owed public facilities offer.

Bermuda Regiment fanfare on the lawn at Bella Vista, Port Royal Golf Course

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“We thanks Mr. Steven Lambert Jr. and Mr. John Richardson for arranging the Bermuda Regiment Band to provide a fanfare to commence the prize presentation, which mirrored the opening ceremony on October 29, 1970 with Governor Martonmere and then Chairman Reginald Tucker from St. George’s.

“Chairman Swan thanked the management and staff of Bella Vista Grill and when doing so acknowledged the presence and participation in the celebration golf tournament by former Chairman of the Trustees Clement Talbot, who, under the management of the late Greg Maybury, introduced Livio Ferigo as the bar and restaurant concessionaire of Port Royal Golf Course and acknowledged the fine service they have provided during this time.

“To tournament aimed to be a friendly golf tournament to recognize the tremendous contribution Port Royal Golf Course has made to our society. A commitment was made to relocate or reproduce the photos of former chairmen and continue with the initiative to feature key Port Royal Golf Course figures under the remit of the Bermuda Government Golf Course Board of Trustees on the walls of the clubhouse.

“At yesterday’s reception Peter James, the son of Port Royal’s longest serving chairman Shirley James along with the daughters [Katyna Rabain and Charysse Bean] of Port Royal’s first two golf professionals were on hand. Thankfully, the photos of these two iconic Golf Professionals are now on display in the Boardroom.

Four of the seven International Bermuda Open champions; Eric West, Kim Swan, Dwayne Pearman, and Eric Hav Trott [missing is Eardley Jones, deceased, Daniel Augustus, and Michael Sims]

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“Noel Van Putten was among those trailblazing golfers from Ocean View Golf Club who formally walked through the door and integrated the game of golf in Bermuda. Throughout the years Noel represented Bermuda internationally at the prestigious World Amateur Championships Eisenhower Cup on four occasions [Argentina, Dominican Republic, Hong Kong, and France]. Noel Van Putten ascended to General Manager under the Chairmanship of the legendary George Wardman and brought to the role a high level knowledge of the game of golf and a passion for competing on well manicured but challenging golf courses.

“Walter King was the first Bermudian to win the restored [1967] Bermuda Open into a non-segregated national golf tournament for all male golfers under 9 handicap to enter in January of 1970 and later that year Walter King was awarded the Golf Professional concession at Port Royal Golf Course from 1970 – 1976. Walter King [who would go on to become a member of parliament 1976 - 1980] tenure introduced unprecedented golfers to the game and encouraged unprecedented social interaction never experienced before in Bermuda.

“While the fanfare reminded us of the official opening in 1970 it would be remiss of us not to mention key persons like Trustees Reginald Tucker, Deputy George Wardman, Hubert Smith, and Eric Parker, who were among those integral in ensuring a well run world class championship golf course graced our shores.

“Frank Rabain’s tenure as the Golf Pro Concessionaire became the standard bearer for excellence as golf professional was measured. Like Walter King, Frank Rabain was also a trailblazer when successfully qualified and played in the 1971 British Open at Birkdale. Frankie who worked multiple jobs, even as golf pro, was also a musician by trade, playing in bands with notable musicians Lance Hayward and Brian Butterfield.

Minister of Tourism Owen Darrell with his teammates Nick Jones [APGA Tour Member] Walter Jackson and Jayson Jackson [Acting Operations Manager & Golf Course Superintendent]

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“With Senator Owen Darrell, Minister of Tourism, Culture & Sport, on hand to participate in the tournament and provide remarks at the reception, the event was truly an official event, punctuated by the surprise appearance of His Majesty’s Royal Bermuda Regiment Band to play fanfare for the momentous occasion.

“This official celebration in recognition of half a century of service to our community has come about because Port Royal is a world class tourism product [hosting five PGA Tour Championships, six PGA Grand Slam of Golf Tournaments, 35 Bermuda Opens, numerous celebrities and conventions] that made a significant social and cultural impact on Bermuda. A definite success story for a government owned and operated public golf facility since its inception.

“Chairman Kim Swan offered overwhelming congratulations to Mr Jayson Jackson the Acting Operations Manager & Golf Course Superintendent and his staff for providing the golf course in exceptional condition and attending to the tournament in an attentive manner.”

Mr. Swan said, “Earlier this year Port Royal came in for harsh criticism because of infestation of POA weed on the greens, which thrives in our cooler temperatures between October and April. Unfortunately government regulations on herbicides limit the use of specified chemicals in Bermuda. Unfortunately, the facts from our trained agronomist did not satisfy the arm chair critics who used numerous media and other means to convey their thoughts.

“Today our Golf Course Superintendent’s analysis has proven to be correct but we hope persons who caused pain and suffering with their actions will use this experience as a teaching moment going forward.

“Even though the event was deemed a fun celebration, the plethora of good and competitive players were keenly contested in obtaining bragging rights.

“A huge thank you to all competitors and spectators.

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1st. 60 -11 [Retrogression] Darren Woods Sr. Geza Wolf, Morgan Lightbourn, Dwayne Pearman

2nd. 60 [-11] Tione Darrell, Denton Outerbridge, Donna Jones, Eric West

3rd 61 [-10] Herbie Chambers, Donovan Livingston, Craig Christensen, Hav Trott

4th 62 [-9 ] Neville Tyrrell, Roy, Scott , Phil Barnett, Perry Robinson

5th 62 [-9] Oscar Riley, Richard Marriott, Tracy Burgess, Juhala Lambert

6th 63 [-8] Arriek Douglas, Marshall Minors, Kristina Del Valle, David Ezekiel,

Closet to Pin

  • #3 Eric West
  • #8 Arriek Douglas
  • #13 Kristina DelValle
  • # 16 Eric West

Longest Drive

  • Men - Dalton Burgess
  • Ladies - Morgan Lightboune

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