Somerset Lady Trojans Earn BFA Women’s Title

July 15, 2024 | 0 Comments

Somerset Lady Trojans won the BFA Women’s League Championship title for the 2023/24 season.

A BFA spokesperson said, “Congratulations to the Somerset Lady Trojans for taking home the BFA Women’s League Championship title for the 2023/24 season! This is their third league title.

“The Trojans’ perfect score of 30 points in the league is a feat that’s truly remarkable. Their undefeated run was a true testament to their skill, teamwork, and dedication, leaving us all amazed!

“Special recognition goes to the team’s top scorers, Deshae Darrell, who secured five goals, and Symira Lowe-Darrell, who secured three goals, for their impressive contributions throughout the season.”

BFA Women’s League Championship 2023/24 Season Final Standings

BFA Women's League Championship 2023 24 Season Final Standings Bermuda July 2024

Chair of the Women’s Committee, Shequita Parson, captures the excitement of the season, “The completion of our women’s league football season has been nothing short of spectacular. With six teams competing in 27 matches, we witnessed a remarkable total of 93 goals showcasing our athletes’ skill and passion. The U15 National Team held its own and competed with the more seasoned women’s team, demonstrating exceptional skill and determination.

“We are especially proud of the Lady Trojans, who emerged as league champions with an unbeaten record and a perfect score of 30 points. Their extraordinary achievement underscores the growing strength and excitement in women’s football, and we celebrate every player and team for their contributions to an unforgettable season.”

The spokesperson said, “The celebration doesn’t stop here! The BFA Women’s League Tournament kicks off on July 16th, 2024! Get ready for more captivating matches and fierce competition.”

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