Three People Injured In Separate Collisions

July 12, 2024 | 7 Comments

A male motorcycle rider was injured in a collision in St. George’s, and in a separate incident two males were injured in a collision in Smiths.

A police spokesperson said, “Around 11:57pm on Thursday, July 11th, 2024, police received a report of a single vehicle road traffic collision involving a motorcycle at Pepper Hall/Orange Hole Road, St. George’s.

“It is understood a male motorcycle rider was travelling east along Tommy Fox Road, near the junction with Pepper Hall Road, St. George’s, when he lost control of the vehicle and collided with what is believed to be a metal pole.

“Officers arrived at the scene to find the victim receiving treatment from EMTs.

“He was subsequently transported by ambulance to King Edward VII Memorial Hospital. At last check he remained in the hospital’s intensive care unit receiving treatment for his injuries which are considered life threatening.

“Meanwhile, shortly before 11:30pm on Thursday, July 11th, 2024, police attended a single vehicle road traffic collision involving a motorcycle near the junction of North Shore Road and Jennings Road, Smiths.

“It was reported that two males on a motorcycle were travelling east on North Shore Road in Smiths, when the rider apparently lost control as he tried to negotiate a series of bends and collided with an embankment causing both males to be ejected from the vehicle and onto the roadway.

“Upon arrival at the scene, officers found both males lying on the roadway. They were both attended to by EMTs before being transported by ambulance to King Edward VII Memorial Hospital for further treatment of their injuries, which were not thought to be life threatening.

“Both incidents are now under investigation and anyone with information is asked to call the Roads Policing Unit on 247-1788 or the main police number, 295-0011.”

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  1. Hilarious! says:

    Summer is in full swing!

  2. Packmen says:

    If the pillion passenger constantly move his / her head from one side to the other or figits while riding pillion on the back of a motorcycle this causes the bike to become imbalanced which effects the controlled steering which may result in loss of tractionan and accident.

    Usual the front wheel will slide out from under the motorcycle.
    Sand and pot holes don’t help much .

    This will happen also while riding heavy 600 lb 1000. CC or any motorcycle .
    Technically we do not steer a motocycle, simply carefully leaning the motorcycle from to one side or the other is all that is required .

    This applies to both to left and right hand corners.

    Negotiating motor cycles around corners the bike experiance outward centrifugal force in the corner which may divert the bike over on to coming trafic, the secret to dealing with this is to counter steer in the opposite direction this is a skill that need to be to be practices to be aquired .

    Over leaning the motorcycle into a corner will force the bike into other vehicles or a wall .

    To counter act this, one needs to carefully counter stear away from the wall.

    If the tires are under inflated the motor will experience a mushy ride the wobble this will throw the bike to the ground.
    The weight of the pillion passenger requires aditional tire pressure.

    Bikes 30 PSI Minimum
    Cars 36 PSI Minimum

    Many accidents are a result to under inflated tires that in enough to shift blame.

    If the driver is not paying attention this may cause to bike to wobble and loss of control and a subsequent accident.

    May you leave me with this thought “the life you save may be your own”.

  3. Toodle-oo says:

    Are those hot or cold tyre pressures ?
    (sorry , I couldn’t resist)

    • Packman says:

      Toodle -oo
      My contributions to Bernews are designed to add clarity and hopefully good advice for those who may need a second oppinion regarding their vehicle, I also would like to be the drivers friend, as this is not about speed it is about safety and prevension of accidents.
      I scraped a bike rider off the road recetly his hands were torn to pieces.
      Quality tire are paramount to safe driving during rain days.
      While i am at it, i strongly recomend that themanufacture recomended tire and wheel size should not be changed for looks.
      For you information have driven cars in at least seven countries and big mototcyles in three
      My recommendations given relating to tire pressure is some what general as many vehicle are driven with less tire pressure ,now you know why vehicle flip over. conversely with over inflation a tier may explode on a hot day

      Never -the -less I write to thank you for your question.

      The correct answer to your question is.

      When the tires are COLD

      That would be first thing in the morning.

      You may ask. “How many people have an air compressor at their disposal at their home first thing in the morning”.

      Pumping tires is an arduous task as break dangeriouse dust get get into every thing.
      This tire thing is a week end project ,for every other week end.

      It is also interesting to note the side wall on most car tires say 50 P.S.I. max, this is for the initial installion of new tires only, then tire are deflated by the installer to the correct presure.

      Tire pressure tags as recomended by the vehicles engineers are stuck to the inside of the car drivers door , this offer several options dependant on how many passenger are riding in the vehicle .

      Motorcycle owners manuals recomend tire pressure dependant on wheel and tires size with aditional pressure being recomended to compensate for the pillion rider.

      Some motorbike rider coat their tire with protectant containing silacon which destroys traction so that process is not recomended .

      What upset the apple cart are seasonal road temperature changes, hot summer day will drive tire pressure up by 3 to 4 P.S .I same for a bike .
      I doubt is any gas station attendant makes room temperature compensation they usually the will inflate to 35 P.S.I. all round.
      I have found and easy way to deal with pumping my tires I inflate my car tire to 40 P.S.I at te cas stationand deflate at home the tire for firm comfortable ride with a minimun to 38 PSI Front to compensate for the engine weight and 36 for the rear wheels for age full tank of gas .
      Never judge tire pressure by just looking at the tires , not a good idea.!
      Improper tire inflation cause additional tire ware as does reckless cornering and heavy breaking.

      Please , is it too much to ask for safer roads?

  4. Packman says:


    Motorcycle have a front wheel break and a rear wheel break , which should be used carefully to avoid the loss of traction.
    However, front and rear breaks may be used carefully together ONLY while riding in a straight line .
    it is important to now which break should be used being dependant on the bike direction.
    Note :-
    :-D ont play games out there the car or truck always wins .
    : – There are no two corners the same.
    :- Be extra care full on reverse camber corners.
    : – Every corner has it own ‘ safe speed’ on wet or dry roads.
    :- Be extra carefull on blind corners.
    :- Hold your intended course on your side of the road.
    : – Avoid riding in the center of the road.
    :- ALWAYS look for MEANS OF ESCAPE to avoid collision,if you cannot stop in time.

    DO. & DON’T

    Don’t ever use the front break while negotiating way through any part of a corner.
    Do not opperate the front break at any time in a corner.
    Don’t use the front break while riding on wet roads where motor oil is brought to the surface.
    Do delay your departure by 30 minutes to allow car tire to dry the roads,
    Do use the rear break only to slow the bike before entering a corner.
    Do back off the gas before entering any corner.
    Cornering increases speed.
    Don’t use fingers on the break leavers.
    Do use the entire hand on the break leaver.

    Do not ride the bike ,let the bike ride you.
    Sit properly on your bike to show other road users that you are in control.
    Under inflated tires look the same as fully inflated tires, use an accurate tire pressure guage.
    Always use your turn signals , more so in the city.

    I am not here to sport with your feelings .


    “T” shirt.
    bathing suit.
    flip flops.

    It is better to have a nice shower at home than a hot bath in a Hospital.
    Helmet .
    Eye wear.
    Leather gloves. >>>>>> Your hand always hit the road first, Head next !
    Proper bike riding suit.
    Proper shoes.

    Drive safe enjoy the ride !

    • Toodle-oo says:

      For God’s sake , they’re ‘BRAKES’ not ‘breaks’ .

      • Joe Bloggs says:

        Sadly, not everyone whent to Whitney Institute (in the days before it became just another government Middle School).

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