Minister Attending Caribbean Tourism Conference

September 3, 2024 | 5 Comments

Minister of Tourism, Culture, and Sport Owen Darrell is attending the Caribbean Tourism Organisation’s conference in the Cayman Islands.

A Government spokesperson said, “The contribution of tourism to Bermuda’s economy and aggressively promoting the island as a business and leisure destination are some of the topics of focus when the Minister of Tourism, Culture and Sport, Sen. the Hon. Owen K. Darrell, JP, attends the Caribbean Tourism Organisation’s [CTO] State of the Tourism Industry Conference [SOTIC].

“Taking place September 2 – 6, in the Cayman Islands, this year’s theme, “Caribbean Tourism: Fuelling our Lifeblood,” will explore the industry’s evolving dynamics and highlight strategies for a sustainable, resilient future.

“The SOTIC is the Caribbean’s foremost platform for addressing critical issues shaping the region’s tourism sector. It gathers a diverse array of regional and global leaders, thought leaders, decision-makers, and influencers to discuss competitiveness and sustainable growth within the industry.

“While at the conference, Minister Darrell will provide an overview of Bermuda’s tourism performance to date and share some of the latest visitor stats.”

Minister Owen Darrell Bermuda September 2 2024 (1)

Minister Darrell said, “I am pleased to be representing Bermuda once again at the CTO’s gathering and equally excited to be joining key industry leaders at this year’s conference.

“Bermuda has had a brisk tourism season so far. During the SOTIC there is a comprehensive briefing for all member countries. I look forward to updating on our progress by sharing such performance led contributions as:

  • An 11.4% increase in air arrivals and a 6.1% increase in business travel for the first half of the year;
  • Bermuda welcomed 234,790 cruise passengers, up 12.3% from last year for the first half of the year;
  • Bermuda’s yacht arrivals almost doubled, with 725 yachts visiting between January and June; and
  • The fact that this latest quarter saw tourism contribute $132.3 million to the local economy.”

Minister Owen Darrell Bermuda September 2 2024 (2)

The spokesperson added, “Also while at the meeting, Minister Darrell will meet with other regional Tourism Ministers, including the current and outgoing CTO chairman, Minister of Tourism and Ports of the Cayman Islands, the Hon. Kenneth Bryan.

“The public will note that Mr. Bryan recently visited the island for the Bermuda Day festivities in May of this year for a regional cultural exchange. Minister Bryan is completing his term as CTO Chair, and the membership will elect a new chairman during this week’s meeting.

The Minister concluded, “Valuable insights on the future of tourism investment, leveraging innovation, economic development and sustainability in the region will be discussed at these meetings, and it’s beneficial that Bermuda is present. This is a great opportunity for all stakeholders to share ideas and network to find common solutions to ensure that we all thrive.”

The Minister returns to Bermuda on Thursday.

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  1. Ringmaster says:

    Total waste of money and time. Bermuda is not the Caribbean and cannot compete with what the Caribbean offers. Bermuda has to market itself as being different, as it was when it was viewed as part of “old England’. The problem these days is to identify what Bermuda has to offer as a destination as it has lost its way trying to be like everywhere else, aided by political ideology.

    Visit the Caribbean and you are greeted by and looked after by locals. Visit Bermuda and you can barely understand what the Maitre D or wait staff are saying.

    Bermuda has to decide what product it is selling, not trying to persuade visitors to buy something that doesn’t exist. 35km speed limit being a prime example as deceptive marketing.

    • Joe Bloggs says:

      “Bermuda has to market itself as being different, as it was when it was viewed as part of “old England’.”

      That is not going to happen. The PLP Government hates everything British (except the trinkets).

  2. Joe Bloggs says:

    Safe travels, Minister

  3. Hilarious says:

    What did he get those gawd awful-looking shoes to wear with that expensive-looking suit?

  4. hmmm says:

    What is happening with the Southampton Princess, when is the hotel fully opening?

    “September 2020: The Fairmont Southampton’s closure for renovations, projected to last 18 months, is announced. More than 700 employees will be made redundant.

    February 2022:Burt says investors plan to inject more than $200 million into the project and tells MPs the hotel will reopen by summer 2023, or in time to accommodate large conferences by October.

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