Minister On Cybersecurity Advisory Board

September 20, 2024 | 6 Comments

Minister of National Security Michael Weeks has provided an update on the Cybersecurity Advisory Board, saying that “the Board will be expected to provide me with a report on the exercise of its functions at the end of every period of six months.”

The Minister’s full statement follows below:

Mr. Speaker, I rise today to provide this Honourable House with an update on the appointment of the Cybersecurity Advisory Board, and the enactment of the Cybersecurity Act 2024, which received royal assent earlier this year on June 24th .

Mr. Speaker, the Cybersecurity Advisory Board exists to provide the Minister of National Security with advice on best practices for the safeguarding of information resources of Bermuda’s essential operations. In accordance with Section 5 of the Cybersecurity Act, the Board will:

  1. Provide advice on the management of cybersecurity to protect Bermuda’s economic well-being and to prevent cybercrime;
  2. provide advice to the Cabinet on the management of Bermuda’s national cybersecurity strategy and the internal Government cybersecurity programme;
  3. provide advice to the Public Service Executive on the management of the Government cybersecurity programme;
  4. provide advice to relevant Public Officers to enable them to meet responsibilities relating to the Government’s cybersecurity programme;
  5. provide advice to Critical National Information Infrastructure [CNII] enforcement authorities; and
  6. coordinate and encourage collaboration amongst the Government and other CNII enforcement authorities and the entities they regulate.

Mr. Speaker, the Board will bring together public officers and private sector stakeholders to contribute to the development and management of our cybersecurity policies. Board members will include:

  • The Chief Information Security Officer and the National Disaster Coordinator from within the Ministry of National Security,
  • The Chief Information Officer in the Department of Information and Digital Technologies,
  • The Head of the Bermuda Public Access to Information/Personal Information Protection Unit,
  • A representative from the Bermuda Police Service,
  • The Bermuda Hospitals Board Chief Information Security Officer,
  • Two private sector cybersecurity advisors, and
  • A lawyer with cybersecurity experience.

Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to report that the necessary private sector members have been identified and have been formally appointed to the Board. Members of the public can expect to be apprised of the full composition of the Board, including the Chairman and the Deputy Chairman, through notice in the Official Gazette in the coming days. I wish to thank the Board Members for their willingness to serve Bermuda in this capacity. I look forward to receiving the benefit of their expertise and collaboration in the vital task of ensuring that Bermuda is cyber safe.

Mr. Speaker, in accordance with the Cybersecurity Act 2024, the Board will be expected to provide me with a report on the exercise of its functions at the end of every period of six months. The report will include information on the general state of cybersecurity in Bermuda, and will be used to inform the Cabinet’s decision making on cybersecurity matters for the country and for the public service. The Board will work closely with the Ministry of National Security’s Cybersecurity Unit in furtherance of the Unit’s function to provide cybersecurity services, capabilities and expertise to the Government and other CNII enforcement authorities and entities.

Mr. Speaker, Honourable Members will recall that the Cybersecurity Act provides for the designation of CNII entities and enforcement authorities. The Cybersecurity Unit is continuing its consultation process to ensure that those identified as CNII enforcement agencies and CNII entities understand how the Cybersecurity Act will impact them. When this Act was tabled, I assured this Honourable House and the public that the requirements of the Bill were not meant to be overly burdensome for the affected entities, but needed to be robust enough to ensure adequate protection and recovery capabilities in the event of a cyber-incident. With the assistance of the newly appointed Board, and the Cybersecurity Unit, we intend to provide guidance and assistance in the development of a cybersecurity framework that protects both Government and privately owned critical national information infrastructure.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

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  1. Hilarious says:

    Pointing out the obvious from what happened and my experiences with the Government:

    Board members will include:
    “The Chief Information Security Officer and the National Disaster Coordinator from within the Ministry of National Security,” – Why? These guys failed to protect the government’s IT systems.

    “The Chief Information Officer in the Department of Information and Digital Technologies,” – Why? This is the guy who failed BIG TIME to protect the government’s IT systems. BIG TIME!!! Did I mention, BIG TIME!!!

    “The Head of the Bermuda Public Access to Information/Personal Information Protection Unit,” – Why? This person failed to protect the government’s IT systems.

    “A representative from the Bermuda Police Service,” – Why? BPS failed to push the Government to implement simple prevention measures that reduce the risk of cyber attacks. The BPS cyber unit comes in after the fact.

    “Two private sector cybersecurity advisors” – Why? The last “experts” worked out so well costing taxpayers hundreds of thousands of dollars. (the RG just published a great investigative piece on the consultants) Why does our Department of Information and Digital Technologies seem to have ZERO cybersecurity expertise?

    How about FIRING all those who failed us starting with our CIO? Not rewarding them with continued employment and then putting them on a cybersecurity investigative board.

    All this could have been avoided if the Government outsourced the Department of Information and Digital Technologies to a reputable firm staffed with IT professionals.

  2. PAC MAN says:

    M .Weeks got one more fo you !

    Earlier this evening, I went out to washed my car and got bit three times on my legs by some very hungry mosquotoes.

    These things do not take prisoners.

    You can run but you can not hide.

    Two hours later, after the sun had set I had to retrieve my cell phone from my car a got another bite on the back of my left arm.

    These Insects have night vision and mostly opperate at night and are all over the island by the millions ?

    I understand that they do not function very well out in the hot sun. That is a fact .

    These little starving blood sucking lady mosquitoes are very determined and will get you ever through clothing .

    They can also take up residence inside peoples clothing and have a feast.

    However i must say that they are very comfortable during the day to hide out in peopes garden hedges.

    My tiki flaming torch, i an told is only good for a radius of 6 ft besides so it could only be use as a close rangre deterent

    We have had alot of rain recently which promotes breading may i say more than other years.

    Mosquotoes bite many times on little babies .

    Mothers should inspect their children when they cry for no apart reason.

    Mr weeks I am thinking that we have a big problem with mosquitoes here just now, as we all know they can infect people with disease.

    Mr. Weeks please be assured that I am not wanting to sport with your feelings here.

    Please will you forward this note on !

  3. PAC MAN says:

    There is only one solution which will solve all of our problems .
    A separation of facts from figures. !

  4. Barbara Cooper says:

    Why doesn’t this Government appoint or listen to the advice of experts in various fields. Must they always take on a defensive approach to all facts stated by those who know ?

    • PAC MAN says:

      If there were a satisfactory answer to our unfortunate situations, I am confident that they all would have found it by now.

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