Photos & Results: Bermuda Sandcastle Contest

September 2, 2024 | 0 Comments

The Bermuda Sandcastle Competition took place on Saturday [August 31] at Horseshoe Bay Beach, with the ‘best on the beach’ prize being awarded to Pete Faverio.

Best on the Beach Prize

A spokesperson said, “Pete Faverio returns from Delaware to stun and amaze spectators with his castles. This is his third year joining us.

Bermuda Sandcastle Competition Winners September 2024 (1)

Adult category

#1 Team – Tyrannosaurs Max

“Michelle Lindo is a regular entrant to our competition and always stuns and amazes us. This year she is joined by the talented artist Bryce Pantry and boy do they make an impressive duo.

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#2 Team – @longislandsandman

“Tony Cusicanqui is visiting from Long Island, New York and I can honestly say I don’t know anyone else as crazy about sandcastle building as he is. His energy is infectious and we were so glad he could come.

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#3 Team – Star Gazer

“Tara Sapien from St. George’s had a collapse mid day but managed to save the build to win third prize. Even with a fall, her detailed work is stunning.

Bermuda Sandcastle Competition Winners September 2024 (4)

Visitor category sponsored by the Hamilton Princess

#1 Team – Sandimonium

“Interns from BIOS came down to really blow us away with a detailed map of Bermuda and all their favourite parts of it. The team included Sean Morrissey Ralevic, Orlando Timmerman, Stuart Robertson, Jana Hynds, and Xinya Calhoun, Laura.

Bermuda Sandcastle Competition Winners September 2024 (5)

#2 Team – The Dune Duo

“Returning visitors to the island joined us for both the workshops and our big day! Bri Mayes & David Mayes

Bermuda Sandcastle Competition Winners September 2024 (6)

#3 Team – Sandcastle Dreamers

“Tim and Bernadette Farrell return to the island every year and about four years ago they arrived on the beach to have a chill day and saw our set up. She convinced him to build and they won that year. So when they saw we were here again they had to come back. This time building Chase the dog from Paw Patrol to honour their eight grandkids.

Bermuda Sandcastle Competition Winners September 2024 (7)

Family category [our largest category every year with a total of eight entrants]

#1 Team – O.T.F. [Only the Family]

“Michiko Campbell of Chiko’s brought his whole team down to just blow the rest of us out of the water! Ateena, India, Sherita, and Amir were everything a competition could hope for. I hope they come back every year.

Bermuda Sandcastle Competition Winners September 2024 (8)

“#2 Team – Coral Crushers

Coral Crushers crushes the competition with the clean lines and smooth minions. Well done Lindsey Leman, Lucy Leman, Isla Mutch, Betsy Mutch, and Griffin Benavides.

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“#3 Team – Sand Bosses

Sand Bosses took third for their colourful rendition of the Bermuda triangle, complete with shipwreck, Panam Planes, kraken, whirlpools and hurricanes! Well done Linda, Ian, Ruby, Holly Cook, and Janet Hayes.

Bermuda Sandcastle Competition Winners September 2024 (10)

Teenage category

“#1 – Team Sandy Pirates initially just signed up for the workshop to see how it would go. But Katia Williamson and Alice Haworth liked it so much they entered our competition and took home second with their amazing alligator.

Bermuda Sandcastle Competition Winners September 2024 (12)

“#2 – Best friends Cole Heffernan and Marcus Furbert return to take a bite out of first prize with a really impressive shark.

Bermuda Sandcastle Competition Winners September 2024 (11)

“#3 – Mr. Grookey Jac AKA Jackson Larita is another awesome repeat builder creating his favorite character Kirby to take third place in our teenager category.

Bermuda Sandcastle Competition Winners September 2024 (13)

Children’s category sponsored by Gorhams

“#1 Team – Sand Star

Evangeline York decided last minute that she didn’t like her family’s ideas on what to enter, so she would split off and do her own piece. We are so glad she did. She took first place in our children’s category with these adorable hippos.

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“#2 Team – Skibbidi Ohio Sigma

Tyler LaHuta had us all smiling like his crab at his team name. Another repeat entrant, we look forward to him coming back again.

Bermuda Sandcastle Competition Winners September 2024 (15)

“#3 Team – Freya Card

The very flexible Freya Card bent over backwards to win third prize with a mercat. Apparently this one is a Pusheen O’War.

Bermuda Sandcastle Competition Winners September 2024 (16)

Honorable Mention

“Special mention to super Adiah Jennings, who attended all the workshops and was a dedicated builder on her adorable mamma turtle with eggs all day.”

Bermuda Sandcastle Competition Winners September 2024 (17)

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